Can anything Trump has said come back and bite him in the ass worse than this can?

Can anything Trump has said come back and bite him in the ass worse than this can?

Posted by AKMarine

  1. Of course. Give him a week or two. He’ll figure out some way of outdoing it.

  2. It won’t come back to bite him. They know that Kamala and Democrats won’t abuse their power like that. The goal is to normalize it so that when they do it, it won’t be as big of an issue

  3. Does the SCOTUS decision about Presidential immunity apply to the VP as well? I don’t see why not.

    So if Trump wins and she does this, who’s to stop her?

  4. “I meant my Vice President, because of the fraud and corruption in the election. If I win… no fraud… no corruption.”

  5. Yeah, so, in a few months, Kamela Harris can’t reject slates submitte by fake electors? Cool?

  6. “Pissing our pants yet? Boy, do I have a feeling we’re getting close. It’s gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon.”

    ~ Negan

  7. “The president can do no wrong while in office”-The Supreme Court or something

  8. I’ve been thinking this around the whole fake electors plot. If they don’t certify the results all that does is leave Biden as President a bit longer. I don’t think that “strategy” is going to work for them.

  9. Except it’s not going to “come back” to bite him. You libs have been beating that dead horse for almost four years now. Everyone knows about it. You have nothing new to put out there. Everything you say about Trump is what people already know. Yet people are leaving your party in droves to vote for him. People aren’t buying the crap you’re selling anymore.

  10. he needs to loose BIG TIME people! vote out all maga house reps & senators. positive change happens with a democratic majority.

  11. Someone should ask him about this, and then call him out when he inevitably descends into gibberish.

  12. Fortunately, this is shaping up to be a walkover and the question won’t be tested.

    Trump has never won an election, historically the more conservatives reveal their actual agenda and their obvious incompetence the more voters reject them, the rampant corruption of the conservative SCOTUS, Trump’s record in business, in office and life in general are becoming unjustifiable even to many conservatives.

    The critical issue is whether or not this wave of revulsion for the far-right and the momentum of the left is going to win all of congress along with it.

    If it does, and the victors have the political will to do what’s required, the entire slate of conservative SCOTUS can be impeached for lying in their confirmation hearings and those guilt of influence peddling can be indicted. Article 3 of the 14th amendment can be enforced to remove every insurrectionist from local, state and federal government. Congress can pass laws making it clear that the president is not above the law and can indeed be prosecuted for crimes committed in office. The Republic might be saved.

    The chance that anyone on the left has the courage to do this, let alone in numbers sufficient to accomplish it, is remote in the extreme.

  13. If the clip exists of him saying the N word yeah.

    The fact the pussy grab quote didn’t end his campaign back in 2015 astounds me.

  14. Wait… so who verifies the election results in this case? Does Harris verify her own election?

  15. Validating Trump’s insanity is the most destructive thing Vice President Harris could do.

  16. Might have to if MAGA is tampering with election boards, plans to deny results, and other shenanigans.

  17. But no one voted for Kamala ! Democrats are too stupid to understand that concept

  18. This isn’t the get we seem to think it is. Yes, the VP, according to trump, will have the power to turn the election back to Congress, which means it will go to the House and then the House decides. The House will choose Trump.

  19. The maga republicans are so weird that they will find a way to spin themselves into knots trying to explain this.

  20. Biden is above the law, and he can pardon Harris for anythings she does.

    So, game on!

  21. It’s only wrong when done by the wrong people never anything is wrong when done by the right people. Because the right people do it with the right intentions. This reasoning is basic conservative moral.

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