The true definition of Western Europe

If Americans say so.

by amnioticboy

  1. Any advice for us Joao?

    I’m doing all I can online but it hasn’t worked it seems.

  2. This map is wrong, sweden got Switzerland’s results and vice versa (the American brain cannot handle such similarities)

  3. You bomb one lousy marathon and Muricans will hold it against you forever.

    “No one ever says Italy.”

    -Mr. Scorpion

  4. I wonder how accurate this is. There can not be many Americans who can name all the eastern countries, let alone point to where they are on a map. And how much does their heritage factor in with regards to the western countries?

  5. 95% of Americans couldn’t even find the likes of Slovenia and the Czech Republic on a map, let alone have a valid opinion of them.

  6. We don’t need approval of Americ*nts to be considered Western Europe. We do it as we always do it.

    We take it by force, then get overwhelmed and lose almost everything just to work our way up again. We just need an Austrian to kickstart the process.

  7. I’m sorry, but are you suggesting that we *are defined by the filth who left our countries so long ago?*

  8. If I had to guess Andorra is Red cause most americans have never heard of it

  9. Why the hate towards Monnaco? Its basicly Beverly hills and las vegas mixed togehter and a own nation

  10. “Oh my opinion as an american about Denmark?.. never been to that city but I have been to Amsterdam.”

  11. My advice, say anything anti-american even if you don’t agree with it, Insult american politicians even if you agree with their views, insult American foods even if the taste good (go to a doctor too) my hatred for America is higher than my hatred for Quebec and Indian terrorists.

  12. “What countries in Europe do you prefer the most?”

    “Maybe like London or Yugoslavia? USSR? Oh no wait, Paris”

  13. I am a bit disapointed with Pierre. Thought he would be in the 30% at least.

  14. We’re in the same bucket as the Brits? Americans can’t stop pretending they’re Irish every time I speak to one..

  15. Since when do we care about the yanks?

    I don’t care that some cunt from Boston likes to jerk off to their Italian grandmother

  16. Honestly Italy is amazing. I have only been to France, Spain and Italy but the Italians truly take the good life to the next level. Why would you work when you can just drink Chianti and espresso all day surrounded by renaissance art, beautiful women and sunny weather?

    Some Americans find the disorder distressing but I look forward to the scrum every time the train door opens it’s like football practice. Second favorite country I’ve visited after Japan. Spain and France are cool too though no hate.

  17. The only map where i dont mind to be orange. Dont need riding American cock for some kind of “true approval”

  18. Portugal always has similar results to balkans no matter what the statistics are in question.

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