Ukrainian troops advancing on Kurst region, (ironically saying that they are ready to make a referendum).

Ukrainian troops advancing on Kurst region, (ironically saying that they are ready to make a referendum).

by DeepPanic3566

  1. There is a war going on but it looks like they are on a stroll towards a training exercise, what a beautiful sight.

  2. 90 Prozent of the population of kursk are willing to join the Ukraine as a new part

  3. UA Soldiers are advancing so quickly, because they are not stopping to loot, and steal toilets, lol

  4. After all the hand-wringing about ruZZian might, the boys are… basically on a sightseeing tour inside the ‘superpower’ 🤦🏻‍♂️

  5. When the russians came into BUCHA and Irpin, killed everyone! Look at our fighters in the Kursk region, there are no civilian corpses on the road and everything is intact.

  6. This is surreal in some way – knowing your country invaded Ukraine and now you see Ukrainian troops just casually passing by. 

  7. I think they actually should do that, no joking, this would show to a LOT of people that still believes Mordor’s propaganda around the world how stupid were all ruSSian “refenduns” in history.

  8. Putin only has untrained cowards defending the borders even further between the border and Kursk. Russian defense is weak so after seeing videos of mass surrendering from Russian conscripts don’t wanna fight they are making this easier for Ukrainians to keep pushing forward with little to no resistance in certain areas. Its going to take at least 7-14 days for Russian army to be redeployed to defend Kursk.

  9. They could use the Russian method and have the ballot already filled in. Just need to drop it in the locked box.

  10. this is how the Russians originally expected the SMO to go for them when they entered Ukraine!

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