Russians are angry that Ukrainian Soldiers are fighting back

Russians are angry that Ukrainian Soldiers are fighting back

by Dredd_Doctor


    You can’t have your cake and eat it and get that phat white ass out of that ukranian crimea beachsand!

  2. Lol those ~~cars~~ absolute shitboxes at the gas station. Except for that renault thalia shitbox, this could easily be footage from 1995 Chechen war.

  3. Someone should drop some FAB3000 around just bring the feeling Ukranian civilians and soldiers feel everyday

  4. At least Ukraine won’t attack their childrens hospitals so they’re still getting the better end of the stick.

  5. You’re lucky it’s not your troops. Russian soldiers had no mercy with Ukrainian civilians in Hostomel or Bucha. No chances to escape. Unlike the Ukrainians, they enthusiastically used their 30mm HE shells on civilians and their homes and cars turning them into mist for absolutely no fucking reason.

    So fuck you and run away.

  6. Love the empty military trucks heading in to take the Russian tanks away to safety. I guess Russia has adapted “meat wave” tactics to defense, where soldiers just stand in line and wait to get shot?

  7. I can feel for all civilians running from war, especially in repressive countries where you have no say in what goes on. In this case though I want to feel more of this and for a long time.

  8. This has been my singular thought since the blood red paint on the billboard in Ukraine, “WHO LET YOU LIVE SO WELL?” as toilets and dishwashers were being stolen by orcs seeing them for the first time in their lives. I remind every fellow Canadian I can that we will never be able to repay the debt to Ukraine for their incalculable sacrifices against Mordor.

  9. That cardboard box ripping at the bottom and letting the contents fall out is a proper touch of tragicomedy

  10. She has to accept the blame for the cardboard box failure. You gotta grab that box from the bottom. Anyone who’s ever moved knows that, much less anyone fleeing an incoming military. Common sense just isn’t that common anymore.

  11. Stop invading and give back the stolen land and boom, its over. You get to keep your actual country and homes and they get to keep theirs, its not rocket science.

  12. I will drink every russian tears with delectation. I expected 2025 to be a great vintage, but it turns out that 2024 might be a legendary one! SLAVA UKRAINI!!!

  13. I wish they experienced what russian troops have done to Ukrainians but fortunately for them Ukrainian army isn’t rapists, torturers and criminals

  14. I seriously hope those degenerates are taking their pets with them and not leaving them behind to starve in locked flats.

  15. Do you think they still whole heartedly support their “special military operation” and their Tzar? I bet they do!

  16. I don’t expect they will be herded into basement torture chambers, and I’m quite sure there will be no mass graves full of civilians, so I really can’t muster up a lot of sympathy for these people.

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