Is it normal for the landlord to want befristet rent or am i being scammed?

I am relatively new to Germany and moving to Aachen now to start my bachelors degree with a friend.

As Aachen is a student city it took me a while to find accommodation especially as I don’t work and it’s hard to seem trusted with basically “I swear my parents who live outside Europe will finance my rent” but I finally stumbled across a place with an agency that seems pretty professional and trustworthy (Hausverwaltung Dr Sauren).

Everything was going great and I went for a Besichtigung and the apartment seemed perfectly fine until they sent me the contract. After reading it and doing due diligence, the contract favors the landlord a lot, but only on small details that aren’t a huge problem, however there was one thing.

In the contract it states that I waive my right for “ordentlichen Kündigung” for the first 24 months and if I want to leave earlier I have to pay half the rent for the remaining period of the contract.

Now I am planning on staying for longer than 24 months obviously but still I would like the freedom to leave in case I need to switch universities or I fail and have to leave, who knows the possibilities are endless. I tried to negotiate it but they seem very stubborn on having that clause. I will attach images of our conversation below.

Extra info: the apartment hasn’t been rented since March of this year which makes me skeptical but I assume it’s cos it’s 3 bedrooms and quite expensive so students don’t really want it, but I have friends and we want to move in together and don’t mind the price. Also when I viewed it the agent was really professional and the apartment seemed perfectly fine.

Am I being scammed and there are hidden defects maybe or is that a normal thing I should expect? If so, is there a clause I can add that states that if there is an issue with the house that isn’t easily fixable we can leave without paying the rest of the contract?

by Maronator

  1. It is common for a landlord to put clauses like this into the contract. When I began my studies, I had to stay in my flat for at least 24 months as well. Taking it down to 12 months is – in my eyes – extremely generous from the landlord. I would believe most landlords would have just told you to go away. Renting a flat out is work (because you need to chose the tenant etc), so landlords are commonly interested in clauses like the one in your contract. I would say 18 months is absolutely common, 24 months may be on the higher side.

    I would not ecpect hidden defects just because of this clause. It is really common.

    I would strongly recommend taking the contract and being very nice while taking it, because there is a high risk you won’t get anything better.

  2. Yeah, that’s quite common nowadays. You actually got lucky there I think, a lot of landlords would just send you away instead of negotiations.

  3. Yes, it is common and usually you can get out of the contract if you find a new tenant when you want to move out. Which will be absolutely no problem.
    If you remotely like the apartment and it’s not a stupidly high price don’t hesitate and take it with those 12 months, that’s really generous of this landlord.
    Who is gonna move out within a year anyway.

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