Is Trump Too Tired, Too Scared or Too Broke to Hold Rallies Anymore?

Is Trump Too Tired, Too Scared or Too Broke to Hold Rallies Anymore?

Posted by celtic1888

  1. As I was scrolling through tiktok I ran across a livestream of it. Lingered just long enough to hear him actually say (paraphrasing) when babies are born in liberal states they put the baby aside and ask the mother if she wants it. If she says no they kill the baby. He actually said that. As if that where really happening. Get your head around the detachment from reality that is. I mean really??? Wtf Donald?? Who thinks this shit up? Worse yet, who actually believes this nonsense?

  2. I still say the Felon doesn’t care a whit about his performance now. He knows that he isn’t going to concede under any circumstances and will be taking over the White House by any illegal means. Why put forth any real energy. I hope I am wrong, but from past experience, I doubt it.

  3. The tank is going empty while he’s circling the bowl. The question is “Will he go gentle into that good night?” I hope so but doubt it.

  4. Harris refused to do press conferences because they’re low energy! Yeah! I’m so glad Nancy Pelosi and George Clooney decided who the Dem candidate is!

  5. He’s a worn-out has-been, unable to hold rallies, camped out at Maralago, rage tweeting bullshit. Who’s the older unfit one now, DonOLD??

  6. Too old and tired? Yes
    Too cowardly and scared? Yes
    Too weird? Yes
    Too broke? No, there’s plenty of billionaires and corporations wiling to continue to buy his favor.

  7. The attacks back and forth about rallies, interviews, press conferences, and debates are exhausting and take away from the discussion about what matters…

    That these fucking people are weirdos.

  8. He’s got to be exhausted with all his legal troubles, advanced age, poor diet and lack of exercise. He’s swirling the toilet bowl! Can’t wait until he’s flushed for good.

  9. Psychologists are out there saying it looks like a classic case of Narcissistic Collapse. And I’ve got to say, I think I agree.

  10. I hate to say it, but I don’t think he needs rallies. He’s winning despite all the enthusiasm for Kamala. The simple fact is she needs to flip red/contested states to blue and Trump simply needs to win PA and GA to win. That’s just due to the flaws of the electoral college voting system.

  11. His DOOM AND GLOOM isn’t selling anymore. His shrinking crowd sizes tell him every time.


  12. Trump says “Hey, I’m tired, just come to my house and listen to me bitch about stuff. Then go home.”

  13. The attempt on his life with the rise of a powerful and unexpected duo probably has his nerves kicking in high gear. He’s trying to stay out of prison and it’s looking like he’s going to have to become Putin’s roommate sooner rather than later.

  14. Well he can’t hold them indoors where it’s safer because he owes too many vendors/sites money and he’s prob too scared to hold them outdoors. He’s run out of large bandages.

  15. And they try to flip this on Harris with questioning why she isn’t doing interviews lol.

  16. Never forget Trump and the GOP took away women’s rights. Your daughter’s rights. And they aren’t done taking. They have plans to take more.

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