How UK and Fr*nce felt after convincing people WWI was Germany‘s fault and having people believe it even after 100 years

How UK and Fr*nce felt after convincing people WWI was Germany‘s fault and having people believe it even after 100 years

by moigabutt

  1. propaganda is a very important skill set which unfortunately Germany has always lacked, except during a funny period in the 30s

  2. That’s definitely not how things were presented to me in school. The official simplified version is that the Archduke was assassinated and the game of alliances started to involve everyone else. Then we take the blame for the treaty of Versailles even though it’s quite honestly a bunch of crap.

  3. Don’t worry Hans, Uk spent the interwar period telling everyone France was too harsh on you, and you needed a rightful recovery…

  4. Germany is just Austria’s sockpuppet? Is that what you’re saying?


  5. You declared war on Russia, France and (if it exists) Belgium, Hans. Also the whole “we support you Austria, go kick the Serbs ass”.

    Sure Russia and France mobilized and stuff, but your regarded Kaiser and generals had a lot of blame.

  6. It was a bit of fault of all the great powers, but if I have to just pick one, I would say Russia has quite the responsability, backing Serbia and specially with the inmense troops movilization.

    Edit: that poor guy proportions…is he drawn by Rob Liefield?

  7. It was their fault. Germany’s complete diplomatic and military support for Austria emboldened them to go to war with Serbia and Russia when without their support they wouldn’t have even thought about doing it.

  8. It was Germany’s fault, or at least Germany bears most of the responsibility. Austria-Hungary would not have declared war on Serbia without German support, especially considering Serbia had largely agreed to Austria’s ultimatum conditions. Germany’s invasion of Belgium forced the UK to enter the war.

    Many believed a major conflict was inevitable, and Germany chose to act aggressively. They aimed to prevent Russia from becoming a greater threat as it continued to industrialize and potentially surpass Germany due to its larger territory and population.

    Germany had several opportunities to prevent the war’s escalation but instead laid the groundwork for conflict. They were confident in their ability to quickly defeat Russia and France. However, they miscalculated two crucial factors: Austria-Hungary’s poor military performance and France’s ability to resist the German advance long enough for Russia and the British Empire to mobilize on the continent.

  9. Of course it was the fault of Germany. Just like WW2. They are an aggressive people not to be trusted.

    Ignore my flair.

  10. Are people convinced of that?

    I think I almost always knew it was because of austria-hungary and the assassination of Franz ferdinand

  11. ![gif](giphy|kdFKwmwADglUorwrIa)

    Austria when you mention two world wars being started by Germany

  12. Germany litteraly declared war on France.

    You can try to hide the fact, the same way Putin try to put the blame on the OTAN for the invasion of Ukraine.

    Belligerent will always try to find excuses as to why they start a war. Stop coping Hanz.

  13. I think what’s even more impressive is that Austria managed to pass the blame to Germany twice and got away with it.

  14. the sentiment is not unwarranted in belgium though. the germans fucked us over bigtime then.

  15. WW1 wasn’t entirely Germany’s fault obviously. But who started the dominos falling?

    “WW1 did not break out by accident or because diplomacy failed. It broke out as the result of a conspiracy between the governments of imperial Germany and Austria-Hungary to bring about war, albeit in the hope that Britain would stay out. No one nation deserves all responsibility for the outbreak of war, but Germany seems to me to deserve most. It alone had power to halt the descent to disaster at any time in July 1914 by withdrawing its “blank cheque” which offered support to Austria for its invasion of Serbia” – Some historian .

  16. “The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany ***and her allies*** for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany ***and her allies***.”

    Germans don’t believe nazi propaganda challenge: impossible

  17. Many studies over the year showed it: being likeable is way more important in promotions at work thzn being good at what you do.

    Germany is great at many things but always neglected to be likeable.

  18. Russia started world war 1. They were the first to escalate the relatively minor conflict between austria-hungary and serbia after the assassination, dragging the rest with them for some bizarre reason.

    Even though they weren’t the first to declare war, this was a mere formality. They were the first to diplomatically escalate it as the self-declared “PrOtEctOr oF SlAvS”.

  19. Thankfully there were no repercussions for this. There was no internal rage building in Germany and the world lived happily ever after

  20. Uuuh Hans, what are you doing here?

    We’re with you anyways

    We’re not ready yet though, maybe send some money and materials and we’ll join you next year… And then we’ll see what happens

  21. I mean, they were pining for a war to try get into the empire business, but in fairness most in Europe were pining for a good ol’ scrap

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