The average Canadian family now spends $47,000 per year on taxes! That’s more than the spending on rent/mortgage and food combined!

The average Canadian family now spends $47,000 per year on taxes! That’s more than the spending on rent/mortgage and food combined!

by wakeup2019

  1. Brutal.  Its insane that so much money can be managed so poorly.

    How did it compare in 1964?

  2. The average Canadian single family home costs 700k$. To quote the trailer park boys. “Something’s fucky”. As a US citizen I’ve always sort of thought, “well at least I could move to Canada…” that doesn’t seem like something I want to do anymore.

  3. And we can read from the diagram that it has been like that since at least the seventies.

  4. Looks like housing in Canada is fine and they need more gdp growth. Mmm what are some way to boost their gdp fast?

  5. This graph is really terrible. It should be overall % of income over years. Also, I bet when i look at my total taxes and monthly premium for health insurance it’s roughly the same. 

  6. Averages can be misleading. What is the median amount paid? Having a few like Elon paying their fair share will skew the “average” drastically.

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