by MU57__EEH

  1. I don’t even know what ‘far right’ is all these political terms should be condensed to “enemy” or good guys or bad guys for simple people like me to understand.

  2. Guy who owns an Indian restaurant in the middle of Swansea was showing me the message they’ve had from the police today warning all the business owners about Saturday.

    He doesn’t have shutters to draw to protect his windows and he seems really worried about it. Such a lovely man, he doesn’t deserve this.

    I hope so much it all comes to nothing this weekend and we just have anti-racist counter protesters singing kumbaya for a few hours.

    We don’t need this rhetoric here, we don’t need this vile hatred and bigotry. We don’t need a riot. We don’t need more arson.

    We don’t need to see the hotel down the road getting arson attacked again by self proclaimed “Welsh Nationalists” who seem to spend half their time on youtube fucking around with english nationalist groups over the border.

    Keep it the fuck out.

  3. Please go and show up for this, Aber people.

    We just did it in Walthamstow, London, last night. THOUSANDS of locals came, and a few racists turned up. I watched three of them bowling through the crowd, gurning, staring, looking for their mates. When they realised they were so hugely outnumbered, they stopped, had a little chat, and then turned around and walked away, confused and lost, with their tails between their legs.

    We can fight them, without violence, but just with numbers. Turn up, make noise, meet your friends, have a fucking party. Have a great night. They’ll go home as soon as they realise that you outnumber them.

    Then you can go home feeling all warm and lovely, like I did last night, safe in the knowledge that your town doesn’t have space for racist far right scum, because it’s full of lovely caring people that _just showed up_.

  4. The peaceful people of the uk have really really touch me, never have I seen such a heartwarming welcome from people toward other ethnicities, I grew up in Pakistan as a Catholic and when there was trouble, no one helped and I’m not too harsh to them, I know the circumstances was far dangerous and always life threatening but my ride and die friends are Muslim and you guys fill me with hope that the world is changing and changing for the good, bless everyone and I look forward to seeing and being apart of this

  5. I was on a anti racism march in Cardiff when I saw 20-30 skinheads talking shit to the marchers. Something snapped and I charged at the racists halfway to them I realised I not a fighter glanced behind to see 40+ guys were with me. We chased those fucks what seemed like half around Catdiff before tiring.

  6. Nobody who lives in Aberystwyth will come to this, it’s in the middle of the summer academic holiday. The only people who live there full time are retired.

    So, you’ll get a few particularly motivated geriatrics.

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