‘I f****d up’ by sacking Greens which led to my resignation, admits Yousaf

‘I f****d up’ by sacking Greens which led to my resignation, admits Yousaf

by youwhatwhat

  1. It wasn’t just one fish supper that made me fat, just like it wasn’t just one decision that finished Yousaf off.

  2. Yousaf was promoted well beyond his ability. He’s a middle manager with no ability to set a direction, hence he was always reacting to the latest brush fire.

    His pontificating over the latest moral issue of the day didn’t endear him either.

  3. Yeah, no fucking shit. His actions validated the Green members who had lost confidence in the BHA and the Greens came out of it smelling like roses, no longer attached to the SNP’s toxicity

    This was particularly telling:

    > The former first minister also pointed to an interview Harvie did with the BBC where he appeared to question the scientific validity of the Cass Review into gender care for young people.

    > Yousaf said his “phone blew up” in the minutes after the broadcast.

    A flawed, biased review conducted by a Tory govt south of the border should be easy for the SNP to dismiss, or even say “let’s wait for peer review”.

    Again and again the SNP capitulate to the reactionary regressives within their party, and what their leadership are too thick to realise is that the only way they’ll ever sell Independence to the clear majority of the country is not only by being more progressive, but being a clear contrast to Westminster.

  4. > And what I did, in my miscalculation was to go, well, the Greens rely so heavily on the SNP for the list vote, if they vote against the SNP Government, and the SNP First Minister, it will be political suicide.

    A sad case of someone who, in his position, should REALLY have known better believing the constant meme that the Green vote always comes from SNP list votes. If that were true and it were solely for independence purposes, there would be actually elected Alba MSPs.

    It’s nice and easy to just think of things in simplistic terms, and maybe that’s fine if all you are is a Twitter mouthbreather or a journal*st who’s paid *not* to think, but in real life there is a genuine Green vote, and plenty of us are not beholden to voting SNP in other circumstances.

    Pissing off your coalition partners and their activist base while not changing the parliamentary arithmetic and making your own party look weak ahead of a General Election… yeah, you fucked up.

  5. Can see why he would want to fuck up though. It’s always led to promotion for him

  6. No, you’re a clown, that’s about it.

    Trying to delve into Middle Eastern politics when you are supposed to be running a devolved government in Scotland.

    Also, stop race baiting. 

  7. At least he can admit it. Has Liz Truss ever admitted that her fuck up was her own fault, or is she still blaming the “woke liberal elite” for her own catastrophe?

  8. TBH I thought that the coalition with the Greens would be independence on a bicycle, sacking the Greens was the best thing HY did as they were so toxic.

  9. I do think he tried his best, he was just in the unfortunate position of being a complete moron.

  10. Is there a reason he’s in the news everyday at the moment? Has he got a book to sell or something?

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