Selenskyj: Russland „muss den Krieg spüren“, während Moskau behauptet, den Einfall abgewehrt zu haben

Selenskyj: Russland „muss den Krieg spüren“, während Moskau behauptet, den Einfall abgewehrt zu haben

  1. >

    That’s not it, exactly. Some fear a collapse of the Russian state and its consequences, especially regarding the nukes. What they want, is to inflict so much pain on Russia, that they withdraw on their own, get rid of Putin and at some point become a normal nation.

  2. It’s true. If the populace is just sitting there sipping tea and eating crumpets then they’ll never get riled up over it all.

  3. The Ukraininan troops are still there, apparently digging or possibly pushing on with the invasion so far from repelled.

  4. Yes . repelled. That’s why Putin shut down youtube access after all the videos of Russians surrendering without a fight.

  5. This mentality has created far more problems for Ukraine than anything. Making Russia feel their pain.

    Ukraine should probably examine what has happened when Russia inflicted that “pain” on them.

    Did Ukrainians simply roll over and surrender?

    Russia invaded and Ukrainians marched to Zelenskyy and demanded that he end the war?

  6. I think this incursion into Russian territory is the biggest humiliation Putin received up to now. Putin will have some explaining to do to people…nah, he’ll just hunker down deeper into his lavish bunker.

  7. I’m thinking the gremlins army will start blasting their own towns even more with aviation bombs. Time for the F-16 to shine!

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