Putin help us

Putin help us

by 2wenty1nesavegee21

  1. hey babushka, putin already booked a flight to you… no worries baba, putler will give you a new passport and brings that new LADA aswell for you baba.. no worries

  2. She seems legit. Give her the 100$. Putin better be working late printing money the next few months…

  3. First time in a few hundred years that some culture arrived in russia and she is still complaining.

  4. Yes, putputin has always shown how much he cares about the poor and the useless.

  5. I love that she is having an absolute screaming meltdown while everybody else is just casually ambling about like they’re at a Sunday morning car boot sale.

  6. She talks about kids left without parents, but she sounds like my imaginary overweight nephew and his demands for a third ice cream cone not being met and my sympathy seizes to exist

  7. I dont speak a word of Russian but I assume it’d something like “I had the only toilet in all of town and Ukraine bitches break it with shelling. I was super popular but now I have nothing. How dare they do this while we rape, murder, and steal their land! My toilet! Ivan won’t even look at me now!”

  8. # Conan the Barbarian; “Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of the women!”

  9. This is the key to victory.

    Take one major Russian city and watch these rats and cowards flee to Moscow to see the Tsar.

    War isn’t so fun when its your land, cities and homes.

  10. This is soooo unfair!!! Our nation must be allowed to murder our neighbors and never feel ANY consequences!!!!

  11. Perspective is a bitch huh? now you can have a slight taste of what it’s been like to be a Ukrainian for the past 896 days… No Sympathy for you Ruski’s enjoy gaining some perspective maybe some thinking will occur.

  12. Don’t worry luv, as soon as hero Putin hears of your distress he will send in his crack troops the Kayrovites and they will…..ah they have alraedy ran away.

  13. She cares more about the car that was left behind. 🤦🤷‍♂️ Don’t worry, Ukraine will liberate you soon. KNR(Kursk National Republic)

    Slava Ukraine and its Heroes! 🇺🇦

  14. If she only knew how little ANYONE cares about her squealing — especially her evil master.

    Your country is evil. Now you get to feel it.

  15. Translation:

    – Bitches, HATE! These are some kind of creatures! Where is our government?

    (second granny) – Even worse!

    (first granny) – Putin, please help! Please help, they are destroying villages there! You probably don’t know anything! It’s a passion of God, what is happening there! It’s scary what is happening there! Please help! (covers face with hands) Help!

    – A small, one and a half year old and eight child is in the hospital, left without a mother! The car was left there broken! I ask the police, help to get the car out, there are documents! There is money! Everything was left in the car!

    The end.

    It’s a pity that such women voted for Putin and thereby brought great grief to Ukraine. I am glad that a little grief came back to them like a boomerang.

  16. Every Russian is guilty. Virtually every Russian supports the war. Thus, virtually every Russian is a potential combatant and as far as I’m concerned, given Russia’s conduct, there are no civilians on the Russian side. They are all soldiers and Ukraine is exhibiting great restraint by letting them live.

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