Ukraine’s Kursk incursion shows Russia’s weakness | DW News

Ukraine’s Kursk incursion shows Russia’s weakness | DW News

The Kremlin says a state of emergency is in effect in Russia’s southwest Kursk region — where, for the past three days, Ukrainian forces have carried out one of the biggest cross-border incursions since the war began. Moscow says at least one thousand Ukrainian troops entered Russian territory on Tuesday. Russian forces have reportedly blocked them from advancing deeper. Officials in Kursk say around THREE-thousand civilians have been evacuated. Ukraine has NOT confirmed it launched the cross-border attack. We spoke to DW Correspondents Nick Connolly in Kyiv and Janina Semenova in Riga – and to Ivana Stradner, a Research Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington.

00:00 Intro and Report
02:48 Interview with Nick Connolly and Janina Semenova
07:35 Interview with Ivana Stradner, Foundation for Defense of Democracies

#ukrainerussiawar #russia #kursk


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  1. Last year all we heard of from western media was the big coming Ukrainian offensive that was going to crush Russia, that was a total disaster. Media in the west only goes into over drive if they think Ukraine has a success, try to get an accurate day to day idea of what might be happening that's what they don't report, they pull the shades down over our eyes.

  2. It’s definitely a short-term PR victory, but nobody knows what will happen in two weeks despite what fan boys on either side claim. Ukraine seems unable to stop the advances at the front so changing the focus of the narrative may make sense IF they can hold the territory. Otherwise this will be a colossal waste of lives and will probably be remembered similarly to the failed counter offensive.

  3. Russian has enough territory buffer to absorb this kind shock. Ukrainian incursion will only be a side show and has no strategic significance.

  4. DW…Your Furer invaded Russia up to Moscow. But Russians ended up parading in Berlin. You don't worry. The only difference is that Russians know that the majority of Ukrainians are for a brotherly life with Russians. However, if this continues Russians will parade in Kyiv.

  5. From Wikipedia: "The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) is a non-profit Progressive, neoconservative think tank and (since 2019) a registered lobbying organization based in Washington, D.C., United States. It has also been described as a specifically anti-Iran lobby group due to its focus on Iran and opposition to the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran … On 15 November 2019, FDD officially registered as a lobby under Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995."

  6. Vladimir Putin is, by far, the smartest and most well prepared statesman of our days.
    This Ukrainian stunt to divert attention from the calamitous state of the elderly Ukrainian forces all over the front cannot be sustained and will end as a fiasco just like the so much publicised Ukrainian counteroffensive!

  7. I think it's more likely that Ukraine cannot afford to let Putin continue to choose what new front to open.

    A long all out conflict is not one where you can hope to win the whole deal with a single action just because it makes for a great clean narrative. All out war requires a constant harrying of your enemy at every economical point to keep them off balance. You cannot win a war in defence. You have to constantly hurt your enemy in meaningful ways and keep them from forming up intentional attacks that let them leverage their strengths as they see fit.

    Zelensky has to succeed in convincing the Russian people that not only can they not win this "special military operation", they stand to lose in a meaningful way.

  8. I don't buy this argument by Western press of crying over western press being banned in Russia. First the collective west banned Russian media & everything Russian. I'm not saying the ban or control on news is good but always mentioning that western press is barred from russia without mentioning that west too has barred russian press.

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