Portugal’s most advanced technology

Portugal’s most advanced technology

by latrickisfalone

  1. Here’s a sentence that’s never been uttered before but “I want some of that Portuguese high tech”

  2. Yooooo I am amazed!! It look so usefull for when you are at a festival getting drinks for all your friends.

    Portofriends, what’s the name of this?

  3. That’s an engineering masterpiece. Such a shame it’s probably wasted on non-central-european beer…

  4. Brilliant, this is an innovation for the good of the common man. Who the hell cares about the cuckoo clock.

    Portugal > Switzerland.

  5. For when you have no attractive women to employ to carry 10 steins to a table.

  6. Joao, you have my respect. Now, I humbly request that you export your R&D breakthroughs to the whole Iberian region at the very least.

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