Venezuelas Maduro unterzeichnet Dekret, das den Zugang zu X für 10 Tage sperrt

Venezuelas Maduro unterzeichnet Dekret, das den Zugang zu X für 10 Tage sperrt

  1. > Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro on Thursday said he has signed a resolution to block access to social media platform X, formerly Twitter, in the country for 10 days.

    > Maduro has frequently railed against X owner Elon Musk since the country’s July 28 presidential election.

  2. I don’t agree with Maduro on most things, but could we do this in the states for a month with all social media?

  3. With Musk posting an AI voice of Kamala, actively spreading misinfo during an election cycle, perhaps it’s not the worst idea to peg the fucker?

  4. He needed a decree? I’m pretty sure he could have just asked Musk, he loves his dictator types.

  5. Elons gonna kick maduros ass

    know why hes banning x? because he cant buy and payfor it like he can the other platforms

    stay salty, trumps gonna win

  6. Yeah, well, reddit would be on the chopping block too if it ever were a platform for agendas… just saying.

  7. I feel that some will need more context to this seeing the comments. I’m from Venezuela so I will try to explain as best I can. So, as you may know, Maduro on July 28th supposedly won reelection. However, they have not published any proof and detailed report of the voting, something that has been demanded to be shown by many leaders, including once-close allies of Maduro in Latin America like Petro, AMLO and Lula. To this day, they haven’t published any proof of Maduro’s victory. On other hand, the opposition organized the re micollection of all actas (voting receipts generated by the voting machine that Venezuela uses) and digitalized with their own count (opposition has the right of access to actas btw). The result after this alternate count shows the opposite result, with the opposition’s candidate winning by a very large margin (almost 70% to 30%). But the electoral council in charge of counting the votes (which is in Maduro’s control) refuses to publish the actas to back up their announced result.

    Back to the news about X being blocked. Venezuela has no formal news coverage inside the country to speak of outside Maduro-approved outlets. As such, most opposition journalists operate through X almost exclusively. In other words, with the added context of the rising tension of a more-than-likely electoral fraud, this is a dictatorial measure to control the flow of information from the opposition. And the parliament (National Assembly), also fully in control of Maduro after the opposition was banned from participating, will discuss about controlling all social media and banning many other applications.

    So yeah, this is not funny or something to stick it up to Elon Musk. This is bad. Really bad. Even if you use a VPN, most people won’t know how to access it or it will make it harder. It’s about ease of access and it being a prologue of increased control of information.

  8. Weird how so many of the comments here are talking about Elon and “harhar can we do this in the US” when it’s clear he’s censoring a large social media platform in the wake of a stolen election.

    Are these a bunch of troll/propaganda accounts trying to detract from the real issue? Or just people who are ignorant of what’s actually happening?

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