Two American astronauts could be stuck in space until 2025. #Space #BBCNews

Two American astronauts could be stuck in space until 2025. #Space #BBCNews

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  1. If Jeff Bezos could concrete on his space projects instead of lawsuits, he could be the competitor to SpaceX and also help these astronauts. Now maybe only SpaceX is the only option.

  2. Way to go Boeing. Not content with substandard aircraft they have literally gone out of this world with their latest technology.

    Donā€™t forget that they were part of the cartel that made trans-American fights by Concorde stopped; because the American airline manufacturers couldnā€™t compete with them.

    Technologically speaking; the American space agency relied on Nazi engineering from the post Second World War period. Their home grown talent was not up to the job. Elon Musk has proven that this is still the case.

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