Trump repeats disgusting lie that Democrats want to kill babies after they’re born

Trump repeats disgusting lie that Democrats want to kill babies after they’re born

Posted by latchkey_adult

  1. So, one of the most ironic things about blood libel (“our enemies want to kill our babies/children and do horrible things to them, etc”) is that the first known use of it was by Romans against Christians back when Christianity was a weird little cult of agitators and crazies looking to martyr themselves spectacularly.

    Christians have since been accusing anyone they dislike (mostly Jews) of elaborate diabolical schemes to kidnap children to drain their blood / rape them / sacrifice them at strange demonic rituals, etc.

    So remember the next time a conservative tells you about killing babies, they’re just upholding a 2,000+ year old Christian/Roman tradition.

  2. Consider the loathsome spectacle of Donald Trump, weaving lies about abortion as though they were a plague upon mankind. With a voice full of bluster and deceit, he spreads falsehoods that twist the truth into a monstrous shape, stirring fear and discord like a tempest in a teapot. This egregious distortion of reality undermines the very essence of reason and compassion, casting a shadow over our collective understanding and threatening to unravel the delicate threads of humanity’s moral fabric.

  3. Just saw a post on FB that had Roseann saying that McDonald’s uses dead baby in their burgers.
    Trump loves him some MickeyD’s

  4. Has this ever happened? And not when there are significant defects that mean the child will only live painfully for a couple of days, but to a healthy child? How does he get away with such blatant lies?

  5. It’s sad that people are so stupid they think after birth abortions are real. I can’t wait for this election to be over.

  6. Just got done stating this so gonna re-drop:

    I have met individuals in the *extreme* throes of actual psychotic breaks who would **never** have uttered such a demented, convoluted, and brazenly dimwitted proclamation.

    *Any* journalist, from *any* media/news outlet, who fails to pushback **vehemently** and indignantly against this specific diarrhea-of-the-mouth should be **summarily terminated** (with justified cause).

  7. Yeah, that whole weird “press conference” was unhinged…he didn’t do his campaign any favors today.

  8. By trump and republican politicians cutting off government food programs for low income children, they’re the ones killing babies.

  9. we’re going to witness him have a complete mental break over the next few months.

  10. No media outlet should ever run this stuff live. At best, put him on a 10-second delay so they can bleep out all the lies.

  11. Actually, republicans have done everything they can think of to take away benefits that help children after they are born.

    If anyone is killing babies after they are born, it’s them.

  12. Seriously, he is just saying psychotic shit again …. Have we had enough of this creep yet?

  13. His narrative is not going to resonate outside his base.

    Trump is doing nothing to grow his coalition of general election support.

  14. How stupid does he think people are? Why is he even allowed to run with all those lies spewing out of his face.

  15. How could anyone actually believe that ridiculous lie! That’s all he’s got-lies, lies, lies and more lies……

  16. Idiot boy will next bring out his lie that democrats support abortion in the 9th month.

  17. Remember how, with his father, when he lost it, they put him in an office with a phone that could only call his secretary in the next room, and then each day they’d give him a bunch of random papers to sign, so he felt like he was still competent?

    Yeah, we’re there.

  18. Only playing the hits these days. No new material. The inevitable sad demise of washed up performers.

    Seeing this weird old man in cognitive decline still trying to perform is just sad. But hey. I guess if Wayne Newton can do it, so can this weirdo.

  19. He used to state it as fact that it was something that women were doing now, he seems to be saying they could do it so he has backtracked a little after saying for a year that women were having babies then telling the doctor to execute the baby and the press was mostly silent which I found appalling…

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