‘Narcissistic sociopathic rage alert’: ‘Panicked’ Trump’s new campaign stunt spurs mockery

‘Narcissistic sociopathic rage alert’: ‘Panicked’ Trump’s new campaign stunt spurs mockery


Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. LOL! Honestly I can’t get enough of Baron Von Shitzinpantz. When Biden is in the news I get bored after two minutes. I notice Kamala says the same things over and over. (Sure, I’ll vote for her, but I don;t want to have to listen to her or watch her) Tim Walz is the flavor of the day, but Trump never fails to amuse. He is so stupid and desperate. I’m honestly going to miss him when The Great Orange Turd finally gets flush away.

    I’m deliberately ignoring Shady Vance.

  2. Just a warning be careful of the name calling of this weak willed trash fire pansy ass shit stain of a human being there are some orange snowflakes that moderate on here

  3. Major corporate news always follows this negative, predictable, repetitive, inane a-hole who says nothing new or newsworthy, instead of covering the freshest most positive campaign in years from Harris/Walz, that is barely a week out of the gate.

    I only get my political news from podcasts now because of this biased marketing shit.

  4. I’m beginning to think that this contrast in Trump’s behavior is not due to any kind of cognitive decline, just an attempt to make himself seem old and pathetic so when he does inevitably get convicted, prosecuted and sentenced, they will maybe feel sorry for him and take it easier on him.

  5. Voting for Donald Trump is a declaration that you wholeheartedly support incompetence, sexual assault, pedophilia, felonious behavior, fraud, perjury, lying, bullying, racism, and homophobia. Supporting this scumbag is tantamount to publicly stating that you not only excuse his disgusting behavior, you condone it.

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