‘We have lost a lot’: Children of Post Office victims meet Fujitsu Europe boss Paul Patterson

‘We have lost a lot’: Children of Post Office victims meet Fujitsu Europe boss Paul Patterson


by Fox_9810

  1. Don’t let the word prosecution fool you. There weren’t any police involved. The CPS was no where to be seen. These were private prosecutions. Private prosecutions led to support the Post Office’s and Fujitsu’s bottom line (because they got money every time they prosecuted someone). The scandal has been exposed here – but when are we going to end children being accused of molesting passengers for profit? When are we going to end fake animal charities threatening legal proceedings for profit? When are we going to end private security pushing charges for profit? When are we going to end private prosecutions?

  2. Post Office and Fujitsu got caught conspiring their own judge, jury and punishment service without any type of true evidence , remorse and common sense and when shit hit the fan, weren’t Adults and mature enough to claim responsibility for their flaws and mistakes.

    The knock-on effect is barbaric and shows systematically that any company could literally lie, steal and cheat the legal supposed protections in our system of the UK of equality , general consensus of caring for employees and employment law for this long without any type of punishment until this outcry from those who are innocent.

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