Donald Trump and Kamala Harris agree to debate, US network ABC says | BBC News

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris have agreed to a 10 September debate on ABC, the network says, setting up the first showdown between the candidates.

Former US President Donald Trump held a rare news conference at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Palm Beach, Florida.

Trump said he wants to debate Harris multiple times, and he had agreed to three dates in September.

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  1. This debate had better include RFK, Jr. Both Trump and Harris want to talk democracy then they need to prove it. They want to talk the talk, its time to walk the walk. Tired of those 2 cowards. This is suppose to be about the country. We the people want to hear from all 3.

  2. I wonder, if she does poorly in the debate, will Obama make her step down too?
    If so, I wonder who Obama and Pelosi will pick to “save democracy”…

  3. That Harris is riding a wave of popularity to victory is evident. Trump spurned the opening¹ that fate gave him to make America great. A formidable task that may only be achieved by bucking² the political establishment. Restoring America is not for the feint-of-heart. There is no second chance.

    Fate is a wicked, vindictive temptress. A fickle mistress. Difficult to please. Impossible to predict her likes and desires.

    ¹ Despite being given an opportunity to make America great the commander-in-chief dallied at the post during the January 6th insurrection when, by proclaiming a state of national emergency, he should have suspended the constitution, declared election results null and void and extended the tenure of his administration for another four years with renewal for additional terms at the sole discretion of the president. That this had never been done before was meant to test his mettle. Did he have the internal fortitude that it takes to challenge the political foundation so that he could revitalize America, or were his words mere rhetoric? Voters have concluded the latter and are handing over the prize to his rival.

    ² A commander-in-chief does not take orders, he gives them.

  4. Lies, because no one legitimate will ever debate on FOX. Fox had to pay over $800 million for lying to the public and are currently still in litigation for more than that. Absolutely no FOX debate. EVER!!! Stop spreading LIES for FOX NEWS.

  5. 3:20 NOT REALLY! The reason why Dumbald Chump wants to have three debates is because his campaign is all OUT OF MONEY to pay for advertisements; the only way he can afford it now is to be seen WITH Kamala. (Which is why we see Shady Vance stalking Harris|Walz events.

  6. Trump is not as intelligent as the average man on the street, he's extremely stupid. It beggars belief the idiot gets any votes at all.

  7. He will eat her like a shark. She is not that intelligent like Hilary was and would struggle to answer basic questions without laughing like a hyena or word salad.

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