Easy Hans win. As “usual”.

Easy Hans win. As “usual”.

by carabemlegal

  1. These days, using guillotines for their original purpose is frowned upon, so we repurposed them for daily breakfast use.

  2. Ngl, I always love it when savages get to experience advanced European technology.

    Watching their incredulous expression when they see futuristic technology like this is like watching a child adoring a Christmas tree. For a moment, you forget that they are savages and just see the pure joy and wondrous curiosity.

    Fascinating species.

  3. It hurts seeing someone eat an egg like this… Where the hell is your mouillette (yes, we have a name for buttered baguette in long but not wide stripes) ?! You’re supposed to dip it in, not use a spoon…

  4. How sad have one to be to have hard boiled eggs as favourite food? With all of the good food out there? Really? Hard. Boiled. Eggs. Of course she loves a German. Hard boiled eggs.

  5. Easy to use, easy to build, made of 2 pieces, doesn’t require instructions to read the actual instructions and made to last for decades???

    Are you sure it is designed by hans?

  6. This is for soft boiled eggs you muppet. A hard boiled egg you can just crack on the counter.

  7. Common German W

    Edit: Also props to the Eastern Europeans for their egg cups.

  8. Is anyone else bothered her favourite food is a hard boiled egg? I mean, they can be nice but come on…

  9. Why do people need special tools for the most mundane tasks? Just chop the eggs tip of with a knife or tap it on a hard surface and then peel the shell off. I would hate to have my kitchen crowded with items like that, it’s highly inefficient.

    On the other hand, she sounds american, so naturally her ramblings do not sound sane at all. Or it’s just ragebait for klout.

  10. My sister makes those ceramic hand painted egg cups she got from Lisbon. You’re welcome, Hans. 😉

  11. i disregarded everything after she said that boiled eggs are her favorite food.

    if that’s not the definition of low standards, i don’t know what it is.

    although +5 points added for the egg cup being from Portugal.

  12. Sooo, Hans….I’m sure you did in the past, for science and all…but…do your engineers still produce these, scaled up for the human cranium?

    For ‘content’ producers and the like.

  13. Wtf, hard boiled eggs are her favourite food? Her favourite activity must be breathing, her hobbies are walking and looking at things. No wonder she is dating a German

  14. If this was more efficient they’d use them in professional kitchens. They don’t.

    Those typically germs. Creating solutions for problems that don’t exist.

  15. “influencers” get views for being pretty, not anything even remotely intelligent coming out of their mouths.

  16. German “over engineering”

    If it is hard boiled, why do you need to hold it in a cup? Just peel and eat. Gently squash it under your palm and roll, you can get the entire shell of in one peel.

    If it is soft boiled, this is also useless, because you will still have to cut or eat the top of the egg white to get to the yolk. Just use a knife or spoon and slam it into the side.

    Might be just me, but I hate these gizmos that serve a single use and aret even useful. A waffle iron is the perfect belgian example. We all have it, but I can’t remember the last time i used it. If i want a waffle, ill buy one, instead of making enough batter to feed an african village.

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