Elon Musk shares fake Telegraph article and should saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ be banned? | The Daily T

Elon Musk shares fake Telegraph article and should saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ be banned? | The Daily T

Not long after leaving the Daily T studio on Wednesday, Tory leadership hopeful Robert Jenrick caused a stir by suggesting protestors who shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ be arrested. Camilla and Tim discuss what the term really means and whether religious language can be policed.

#politics #musk #world

Read and listen to more here:

00:00 Intro
00:33 Policing language
19:52 Musk trips up

  1. When an Anglo can’t pray in public without the police issuing a cease and desist order, then some similar policing of the other side needs to be evident, but it isn’t. That’s a problem.

  2. This is acceptable because " diversity " is now more important and the indigenous population are of no importance . Christianity is also disappearing rapidly , get used to it !

  3. How does this lady find it ok to use the term " bible basher " when she DEFINITELY wouldn't dream of using the term Quran Basher ?

  4. The problems with modern acceptance of ethnic religions is the LACK OF UNDERSTANDING! The ORIGINAL TEXTS of Christianity were written in Hebrew and Latin. It took the BOLD VISION of the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible to make the texts understandable by the LAYMAN and the POOR!
    If both the Torah AND the Qur'an were REPLACED WITH ENGLISH VERSIONS/translations, then they would be understood more clearly and could be compared/DEBATED. …..the same should be done with ALL RELIGIOUS SERVICES. (keep the Hebrew and Arabic for academic studies!) I guarantee BOTH BOOKS would become BEST SELLERS!

  5. Musk has issues with his daughter being trans. Thats what initiated his plunge to the far-right.
    Its just symptomatic of one man having too much influence. Not sure how to change that…

  6. Context said during prayers is one thing, but to say it in protest, or to instill fear, its an illegal act! Perhaps Muslims need to be made that its improper! Keep your Allahu at home…

  7. The telegraph, BBC, NY, CNN, NBC… are all fake news propaganda outlet. It’s so laughable, the telegraph should look mirror of their self.

  8. Islam has not been changed the way Christianity has through reformation. Islam still wages religious war in most parts of the world. Islamic countries are ruled by religious law. It is not just any religion. It's a primitive culture of oppression. And so are Muslim majority communities. They are not secular.

  9. Musk only wants tax breaks for himself and other rich people. In addition, benefits offered by the state to his companies Space X, Tesla, Neuralink, etc. Neuralink brainwashes their users into Musk's own ideology. Isn't he planning a vote counting company so that he can manipulate the republicans to win all elections in the future.

  10. This is another trope used in the ever growing islamaphobia. God is great is used in the muslim praying 5 times a day, peacefully. The problem here is MP's and media making it acceptable to attack a common prayer used by billions in everyday practice. What next, we ban all common prayers from all religions, just because we have a few imbeciles using them in the wrong context. We live in a draconian world were we are even talking about this.

  11. I am enjoying Camilla Tominey’s discussions with a variety of colleagues.
    This excellent format provides a visual introduction to Camilla’s fellow journalists providing diverse interpretations of current affairs, very worth while continuing this profile into the future.

  12. I think the true faith is about love,not about spreading fear.Even I am not in England, I really don’t hope to ban freedom of speech,but I do hope Muslims not say it on public places.Every time I hear it,it triggers my PTSD,I hope they could understand my fear and. Trauma

  13. If I were a Tesla shareholder I would be furious. Musk should be working day and night on a model that can compete with BYD. Instead he spends his time tweeting on everything around the world while BYD is turning Tesla into a zombie company. Is there no fiduciary duty anymore?

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