She’s trying so hard to be relevant

She’s trying so hard to be relevant

Posted by 1decentusername

  1. …what the fuck is Megyn even trying to complain about here?

    Does she actually think boys are harmed by proximity to tampons? Or does she know the MAGA base is dumb and hell and made up of men and boys who will go “ew, gross, lady stuff.”

  2. They truly obsess over the most trivial things yet are apathetic to the important stuff.

    There is something deeply broken in people who become enraged over tampons in the boy’s bathroom, but go out of their way to make sure a hungry child isn’t given a free meal.

  3. It must be fucking exhausting constantly coming up with things to be outraged about. I’d feel sorry for these people, if they weren’t scum.

  4. Uuuh, some girls do start getting their period in elementary school. What a stupid fucking asshole…

  5. Even the initial phrasing shows how bad Kelly’s position is. The phrasing was ridiculous even before the claim.


    If I said that, you’d think I was in desperate need of inpatient psychiatric care.

    I feel the same about this clown.

  6. I’m totally for this simply for the educational aspect of young boys learning about periods. It wasn’t until I was about 15-16 years old that I learned what a period was and why girls/women go through it. Up until that point I thought it was because they couldn’t hold in their pee.

  7. I love podcasts and YouTube channels.

    But one of the bad outcomes is that channel starts to morph towards its audience (seeking views).

    Kelly is a great example. In order for her to succeed she has need to lean right into Trump and all the MAGA madness.

  8. My mom made me ride my bike to the store when I was a kid and get them. I’m fucked up. But not from that

  9. The biggest danger to putting tampons in a boys bathroom is to the plumbing.

  10. If by “forced” you mean “not forced to do anything” and “unaffected in any way whatsoever,” then yeah, I guess so.

    I mean, if the school mops the floors on Tuesday nights, are the kids “forced” to have clean floors on Wednesday morning?

    Sure, but so fucking what?

  11. News Flash: Every bathroom in every home in America is a unisex bathroom! Shocker! Horror of horrors! How have we all not turned trans already!?!

  12. Megyn is lying about the law. It does not mandate tampons in boys bathrooms at all.

    So while even her false claim wouldn’t matter with most sane people, that’s not her target audience.

  13. They put a free tampon and pad machine in the bathroom at work. I immediately felt like I was changing into a woman.

    Shit almost forgot /s

  14. Are these weirdos also traumatized by toilet paper in bathrooms? It’s used on pusses & buttholes!

  15. I would be concerned with what destruction 4th grade boys can do with a bunch of free tampons

  16. As a man who grew up with 3 older sisters, has a daughter and a wife. I can’t congratulate Tim Walz enough. What he did shows kindness and empathy. He seems to be just a good, decent human being who cares enough to help when the need arises. By putting them in the boys bathrooms as well he treated all of the students equally while simultaneously teaching boys to be more kind and empathetic to girls. What a great guy. Vice President Harris already had my vote. But the addition of this great role model really drives it home. Be sure to get out there and vote for kindness and empathy instead of rage, hate and fear mongering this November.

  17. Then I (a boy) must have lived through Meghan Kelly’s Vietnam. I had FOUR older sisters and a single mother. The things I have witnessed and did to assist the women in my family when growing up DID NOT make me a fragile man. I grew up with respect for women and an understanding of women’s biology. My wife of 26+ years is very happy that I don’t shirk fearfully from tampons and understand the challenges she faces.

    Don’t get me started about people who gave my mother SHIT for saying that I would grow up gay because I was being raised by women.

    Why is Meghan Kelly so wEiRd?!?!

  18. What the hell happened to her face? She looks nothing like when she was on Fox News.

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