Quiet quitting? Trump’s Mar-a-Lago ‘meltdown’ fuels speculation

Quiet quitting? Trump’s Mar-a-Lago ‘meltdown’ fuels speculation


Posted by _Piss_Tape_Expert_

  1. For Trump it’s all about his minions on election certification boards in swing states. All Trump has to do is deny a few counties in swing state certifications until the electoral college count in December.

    Then it falls to the 12th amendment where the House votes for the POTUS on January 6th.

    This is Trumps plan; not to actually win the election but rather delay the process until the 12th amendment kicks in so he can steal it.

    Ignore the polls. We need to win overwhelmingly. Bring multiple friends with you when you vote. Remember 2016 and the damage done to the country by sitting out because we all thought Hillary would win.

  2. He’s too much of a narcissist to quit. The republicans are going to continue to eat shit for this and it’s deserved.

  3. > Reporter: You have not had a public campaign event for nearly a week… Why haven’t you been campaigning?

    > Trump: What a stupid question. Because I’m leading by a lot and I’m letting their convention go through. I’m campaigning a lot. I’m doing tremendous amounts…

    Tremendous amounts of losing. Simply tremendous.

  4. This was done in a few counties around the country in the 2020 election by Trump supporters on election boards. Refused to certify. Lawsuits were immediately filed by the Democrats the election boards lost in every case. There was a guy on MSNBC explaining this a couple days ago.

    Repeat: it was already tried on a smaller scale last election and was not a factor. It will probably be tried on a much larger scale this time, but the Democrats were ready for it last time and hopefully will be again.

  5. He can’t quit, this is existential for him. Without control of the DOJ and the executive branch he is in a world of legal trouble

  6. If your horse is losing the race, it’s going to be very interesting to see who will continue to bet on it. If you’re a politician pondering your political future, it might be time to start considering what continued support will mean. If you’re a rich donor, it might be time to start reconsidering throwing good money after bad. If he continues to lose, we’ll probably start to see more people start to abandon ship. My guess is if he gets walloped at the debates, you’re going to start to see an exodus.

  7. He’s planning on stealing the election thru violence and judicial and legal subterfuge.Why campaign

  8. In his defense: if you watch the video, the full, you know, the numbers are, well, nobody knows but it’s a lot, so, they keep coming, the asylums all from prisons, and neither does he. So yeah.

  9. Is he actually planning his escape? Packing himself into a box, Carlos Ghosn style, and fleeing the country?

  10. He’s in the midst of a breakdown. He doesn’t look healthy and his narcissistic rage is going to be harder and harder for his handlers to control. He’s in a protective bubble.

  11. He is out of money and probably still owes money to the venues and security he used for his campaign 4 years ago

  12. He hiding like the coward he is…He was a coward at his tax fraud lawsuit and never testified.He was a coward at the sexual assault lawsuit.

  13. Still weird to me that a man can admit to sexual assault on tape and go UP in the polls, but survive an attempted assassination and somehow go DOWN in the polls.

    He really does break all the rules.

  14. The orange pedo who tried to sell classified secrets to the enemies of our nation and tried to overturn an election should already be stuffed into the smallest prison cell imaginable . Every day this pile of shit walks free is an injustice. Just the rape and pedo stuff alone should have him rotting in a cell.

  15. Quitting what? He made his money shyster dealing and golfed while being the worst president , ever.

  16. Yes campaigning a lot in key crucial areas..like Bozeman Montana. Meanwhile Kamala and Tim have hit like six places and are in AZ today and NV tomorrow

  17. He getting worse and it’s not surprising. The psychology here is nothing new, extreme narcissists can’t cope with complex situations that don’t reinforce the world they have created. Look at what happened to Hitler after the assassination attempt. He got real weird, withdrew and surrounded himself with only the “truest” of the true believers.

    Narcissism combined with whatever other age related issues he has going on are not a spectacular combination for the stresses of campaigning for president. Also don’t forget: this mutherfucker is LAZY.

  18. He has them by the balls. The only way he would ever quit is if he could avoid prosecution afterwards. But the Republicans cannot promise him this so he will burn the entire thing down without a promise of clemency. Mark my words.

  19. He won’t quit. He’s gonna move to vp and let somebody else take over. Maybe rfk. All I’m exchange for pardons. He can’t beat Harris and they all know it. They think the excitement around Harris is because it was sudden and they will try to muster similar enthusiasm in a similar way. What they don’t understand is why people are excited. People are excited because she’s not a rich white man looking out for other rich white men. She’s one of us.

  20. Can someone please explain why reporters are saying Mr President? He is not president and hasnt been president for years now… It should be Mr Trump.

  21. The fact is, when push comes to shove, there are 10s of millions more anti-Trump, anti-racist people than there are Trump supporters and you only have to look at the UK to see what happens when you piss off the moderates and liberal minded, you get a backlash that highlights how tiny and pathetic and weak the far right movement is compared to normal, decent people.

  22. The billionaires behind Project 25 will abandon him as his inevitable defeat becomes more evident. They will focus on the midterms of 2026 and the next POTUS election in 2028 with a younger, better candidate. Trump is just the current face, not the actual movement.

  23. A campaign slowdown from him is suspect, but then again the guy won’t shut up.

    Btw, how many rallys does he have relative to any other candidate? It’s ridiculous. The dude had rallys 1 month into his presidency (WTF?) because his only solace in this world is empty praise from adoring fans. Rallys are the only thing in this whole world he has going for him. Applause from strangers because a common thread of hate, fear and anger.

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