I never knew he was white. I thought he was orange. And then, one day, he just decides to be white.

I never knew he was white. I thought he was orange. And then, one day, he just decides to be white.

Posted by bostondana2

  1. He’s bicoloured. He’s been keeping it a secret for a while now, but he says it’s time people got to meet the real him.

  2. It shouldn’t be a shock seeing as he’s the oldest person to ever be nominated to run for president but damn he looks old. Really, really old.

  3. He actually looks better this way!

    Normally he looks like a cheap pleather handbag that’s been left in the desert sun.

  4. DonOLD is hunkered down in his toilet at Maralago, bitching about not having his stolen documents

  5. Now that I see him white I actually understand why he’s typically orange lmfao

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