Why Does this Guy dance like he’s Jerking off 2 Guys

Why Does this Guy dance like he’s Jerking off 2 Guys

Posted by MikeLitoris69656

  1. He’s very old and probably has limited range of movement. It’s very likely any dance movements more energetic than this is a fall risk due to dizziness.

  2. ![gif](giphy|3o6oztnIai0LPvdcNa)

    He’s gotta work on his optimal tip to tip efficiency

  3. What’s weirder is that he’s done that at least for the last eight years, and I simply cannot believe that nobody has ever told him he looks like he’s jerking off two guys, which means he must know he looks like he’s jerking off two guys and he still keeps doing it.

  4. ![gif](giphy|qBbO4zVdcmWwE|downsized)

    And why does he play an invisible accordion?

  5. It’s amazing how powerful racism is. Rural white people love this makeup wearing, combover obsessed, east coast billionaire just cause they perceive him as racist like them. And that can override all the other weird shit about this weird dancing clown. Amazing.

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