Go ahead Kevin, say it.

Go ahead Kevin, say it.

Posted by LoveBabesCarsPoems

  1. so that’s the deciding factor on blackness now?

    aside from that, how did this q-tip suddenly decide he was an authority on the subject?

  2. I don’t think Kevin understands that not all black people are okay with using the N-word.

  3. Wow…just…wow. I knew Sorbo was a nutter but he has really gone over the edge with this one.

  4. The only people I ever hear use that word are 1) rappers, and 2) racist white folks. Kamala is neither.

  5. Old Man Sorbo thought he had a gotcha there, and just looked like a fucking putz instead like usual.

  6. The original Hercules cleaned out the world’s deepest and rankest pile of horseshit, and now this one’s trying to refill it.

  7. Hey everybody! I know you dislike Kevin sorbo right? He’s got a new movie out! It’s called the firing squad. Please go to IMDb right now and downvote his movie! He’s cool with it. If he wasn’t cool with it, why would he daily tweet hateful shit? He wants you to downvote him.

  8. I’m not sure which is more racist: Losing it because Obama is black or losing it because they pretend Kamala isn’t.

  9. Who even knew he was still around? And why is his voice relevant in the political sphere?

  10. “Honestly, guys, it doesn’t even have to be Kamala. I just want someone to say the n-word. It’s my favorite word, but I don’t want someone to yell at me like the last time I said it.” Ascorbo, probably.

  11. Congrats, buddy. Ya played yaself. Might wanna put that phone away for a while – it is not your friend.

  12. Aww…Kev’s looking for attention again.

    What I wouldn’t give to see Lucy Lawless slap him upside down his head.

  13. too bad people have to be relevant to be cancelled.. i’d love for the masses to shit can this joke, already.

  14. Kevin, your Orange God Emperor will die in prison and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.

  15. 😭 why do you have to be like that Hercules? At least Xena is a good and normal person.

  16. I think the best response I saw elsewhere was “If Kevin is really an actor, have him audition, let the casting directors decide for themselves.” And another reply “Bonus points if you’re not the director or producer.”

  17. Congrats, Kev! Descendants of slave owners forcing descendants of slaves to say the n-word to appease their political views is a new twist on racism I never saw coming.

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