Sinking of Russian submarine “embarrassing” for Putin | Col. Philip Ingram

“The Russian Black Sea fleet is effectively decimated.”

The Ukrainian military say they have attacked and destroyed a Russian submarine on Saturday, in another blow for the Russian Black Sea fleet says military intelligence expert Philip Ingram.

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  1. If anyone titled as an "expert" on military matters calls the Russian navy "one of the most powerful navies in the world", you're not an expert and know nothing about navies. The last russian navy that was capable of anything served Peter the great, since then it's been a dangerous nuke armed embarrassment. This is a navy that tows its only carrier around because they can't fix the engines ffs. Ironically a carrier built by the Ukrainians who refused to repair the ship for the Russians.

  2. Can someone tell me, Does this vessel have a nuclear reactor and does it scram and shut down if it sinks. Either way, keep up the good work Ukraine. You're helping me believe in miracles again

  3. I usually show up here and boast about the US military but considering the USS Greenvile surfaced under and sank a Japanese ship a few years ago and another one plowed into a under sea mound a few years ago. Ill keep quiet.

  4. what good are these ships. rusha is doing deep sea exploration at this point. I mean the only thing they hold the title in is the fact they are willing to sacrifice as many men as they have in the country.

  5. Putin the shill?…..he is in the process of making the russian military redundant!…i wonder if ges s CIA operative, that would be twist.

  6. It wasn't a Ukrainian strike, okay? It was a Russian maintenance man installing screened hatches, instead of solid hatches when it was under repair! Saved some rubles! Now it's fish habitat.

  7. Sorry to disagree with the general but i think that the CIA has had some input to Ukrainian segcess in the war very minimal because Ukrainian have heart more than most of us truly respect there fight for democracies around the world Slava Ukraine ❤️

  8. I have heard the missing of Ukraine president, and the American were saying they don't know what you want, what happened why before you were bombing Ukraine?

  9. The submarine story is pure BS, not a single source in days when usually we have confirmation within hours, this fool is just parroting PR straight from Ukr pravda

  10. Not a Putin supporter but I can't believe Ukraine supporters believe this nonsense. Russia literally has weapons and ships across the world doing exercises with China and sending thousands of equipment to Iran now while engaging in a "full scale" war… Ukraine has not got one CM of land back since the first few days of the invasion 3 years ago. Ukraine's leadership is desperate for soldiers and Ukraine has the lowest birth rate in the world. USA spent 22 years fighting in a third-world country with 1991 Toyota Tacomas. Russia is literally fighting half the world's worth of weapons (300b+). I don't care for Putin either but think to yourself for a second, do you really think any of these Western articles are true? There's zero benefit in thinking Ukraine is doing well and putting up a fight when they're not. The fact that half the world's worth of aid can't push Russia's secondary troops is VERY concerning. There's a very clear reason why the USA refuses to drop troops in Ukraine but the USA NEVER hesitates to put boots on the ground against third-world countries.

  11. Surely at this point Putin must know he has made a catastrophic mistake and is looking for a way out? Half a million dead or injured, equipment shortages, opposition incursions bringing with it dead civilians, destroyed navy and economic instability due to oil refinery destruction.

  12. Wer solch Propaganda glaubt der ist das Gegenteil von Einstein. Putin's Flotte am Boden …. Ukrainische Armee löst sich auf = Propaganda für geistig arme Menschen. Diese Propagandaberichte werden IMMER von Gestalten verfasst,die selber weit entfernt von der Front sitzen und dienen dazu Kriege zu verlängern. An der Front sterben sollen ja andere. Die Verfasser solcher Propagandaberichte sollten sofort als "Freiwillige" zur Front gebracht werden ,dort können sie ja ihren Helden beweisen. Doch das werdem sie nie tun ,das sind nur 'Helden' beim schreiben fernab der Front. Ekelhaft!

  13. You have to think that any surface vessel from any navy is now an easy target not just Russian but any country is going to have to watch for air and sea drones. It takes but 5 seconds of inattention to sink a metal ship no matter who makes it. Likewise tanks as Ukraine has shown. Aircraft have never been safe at all.

  14. Surely there needs to be some sort of exit route for those Russians living in Crimea as eventually they will want to leave either to the east or perhaps to the west….. somehow! Perhaps the bridge as a walking route?

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