Has nothing to hide. /s

Has nothing to hide. /s

Posted by Javasndphotoclicks

  1. What I want to know is when will Rule 34 yield a video of weirdo Vance and his casting couch.

  2. “Methinks the couchfucker doth protest too much.”

    – Political Analyst Billy Shakespeare

  3. Just a normal human doing normal human things. Definitely not a reptiloid.

  4. The thing is, like so many things, if you have to tell people something over and over, it’s because they’re not seeing it because it’s not there.

    Normal people are just normal and everyone thinks they’re pretty normal. They don’t have to tell people.

    Shaquille O’Neil doesn’t have to tell people he’s tall.

    Dolly Parton doesn’t have to tell people she’s nice.

  5. “I am a normal human person who definitely does not sup upon the bones of babies.” – world’s least suspicious man.

  6. Nothing weird about telling people how normal you are. I do that to everyone I meet, don’t you?

  7. I don’t know about you but I’m completely reassured now. Any suspicions I once had that he was just a lizard in a skin suit are now gone.

  8. Hahah yikes! If you say it enough it becomes reality, right?

    Keep trying buddy!!! Go for it champ!

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