Lara Trump’s Kamala Harris Attack Turns Into Massive Self-Own

Lara Trump’s Kamala Harris Attack Turns Into Massive Self-Own

Posted by ObjectiveAd6551

  1. Lara Trump’s attack on Kamala Harris’s merit is nothing short of laughable, and it’s a glaring example of how low the bar has dropped for political discourse. It’s as if we’re expected to take seriously the criticisms of someone who can’t even comprehend the complexities of meritocratic achievement, let alone contribute anything of substance to the conversation. The audacity to question Kamala Harris’s accomplishments while ignoring her significant contributions and the barriers she’s overcome is not just ignorant but downright delusional. It’s like watching a drunken fool at a frat party attempt to lecture a professor on quantum physics—patently absurd and deeply embarrassing for everyone involved.

  2. When she attended NC State, she was known as Loose Lara. There’s a reason she was a communications major with all of the athletes.

  3. She used to look like a normal woman. Then she got the Stepford MAGA makeover.

  4. Lol what a fucking cunt. She is made head of the RNC because she is the bimbo wife of the son of mango Mussolini

  5. You’d be kicked out of the writing room if you pitched this for a sitcom

    >“In a world where qualifications are often measured by titles and years of experience, we are reminded of a powerful truth: God does not call the qualified; he qualifies the called,” RNC member Beth Bloch said at the time. “Lara Trump is the embodiment of this truth.”

  6. Every attack on Kamala’s qualifications have been coming from the least qualified people in their fields.

    “What has she done? She has just been collecting a government check.” Says the pissant kid, venture capitalist client of of his patron, Peter Thiel. With 2 years in congress under his belt. Experience used to be what we looked for.

    “She didn’t get there by merit. She slept her way to the top.” Says Lara Trump, who got where she is because Donny wanted her to open up the cash spigots for him.

  7. What I love about every Republican attack is that it is the projection of their worse selves that show everyday

  8. She being a white woman is where she is solely due to being white…… white women are the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action more than any other group.

  9. Weird also extends to spouses… Lara is weird. Her comment is weird because she got it because of her husband. That’s the only reason.

  10. Maybe they should stop trying to insult their opponent and show their voters what they have to offer instead? Or would that look even worse for them, considering the insults are really all they did have to offer.

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