The Tom Tugendhat interview: Islam, the Conservative party and human rights | The Daily T

The Tom Tugendhat interview: Islam, the Conservative party and human rights | The Daily T

Six candidates have lined up to lead the Conservative Party into its first period of opposition for 14 years. Over the coming months, The Daily T will be speaking to the candidates battling for the soul of the Tories – in a series we’re calling The Daily T(ory).

Seen as one of the more left-wing candidates in the race, shadow security minister Tom Tugendhat is known for his military service in Iraq and Afghanistan and being hawkish on Russia and China. He talks to Tim Stanley and Gordon Rayner about his changed position on the ECHR, what caused the riots…and why he serves Earl Grey tea as a default.

#politics #tory #election

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  1. As a lifelong Conservative voter prior to the last election can I suggest that they simply shut the party down? The small number of actual Conservatives in the party could consider joining Reform UK with the rest moving to their natural home – the Lib Dems. Labour Party already exists & we don’t need another left of centre party working exclusively for the benefit of the globalist psychopaths of Davos etc.

  2. Tom here is another one that says "WE" owe a debt to Afghanistan and its people. The WE appearing to mean the public in the UK.
    Well Tom, WE do not. A awful amount of blood effort and money was spent there to try to bring them our way of life and they rejected it utterly. It took the taliban 2 weeks to take back the country tooling around in hiace trucks with machine guns bolted on to do it.
    I spent 2 tours there and saw nothing of what the UK public owes to this place.
    The interpreters and all the rest were well paid mercenaries and knew the risks, much of the time they were turning out to be playing both sides. I didnt trust the vast majority with anything more precious than a pack of biscuits.
    The "WE", owes them nothing.

  3. Tom Tugendhat would make a good Tory leader whereas they'll probably vote for Badenoch to show how inclusive they are – then another Truss like disaster!

  4. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson didn't even turn up for the first covid cobra meetings, so don't say starmer was late. Get a grip n give your head a wobble. Voting for truss is a massive insight to your lack of judgement.

  5. I used to be a fan. Now? Not so much. I hear too many echoes of his pal Michael Gove in his tactical triangulation. Best thing to do is get this round out of the way, get another nutjob in courtesy of the members egged on by the gutter right-wing media, (such as the Telegraph), find that doesn't work then, a few years down the line with an eye to the next election, have another shot at sanity with someone like Alicia Kearns. Or better still, someone who IS Alicia Kearns. Like, for example, Alicia Kearns.

  6. Don't ever vote Conservative again, they had an 80 seat majority and did nothing, they knew what needed to be done tgey just don't want too. Vote reform

  7. Looking for an immigration solution from other countries either reveals another conservative who fails to understand the need to unravel the legal structures Blair/Brown established (OBR, ECHR), or perhaps he's just talking down to the liberals? He needs to hear what Starkey has been saying recently!

  8. The heir to Blair and the detoxification of the party has shifted their Overton window to the centre and still overshadows the party. Not so for the electorate. The party establishment is an old boil that needs lancing. For the future we now need a strong, Thatcherite leader that stands for the people and not the state or big business. That’s what we the people want. Any volunteers?

  9. Tom “police state” Tugendhat would be a terrific choice, would guarantee Tories out for at least a decade. Better yet would be Badenoch, out for 20 years.

  10. “ Drink tea with Jesus “
    Maybe Tom could explain to Jesus Christ why he's in hock with the Zionisym when its totally at odds with Christian teachings.

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