J.D. Vance admits he didn’t see combat in Iraq: ‘I never said I saw a firefight myself’

J.D. Vance admits he didn’t see combat in Iraq: ‘I never said I saw a firefight myself’


Posted by doc-researcher

  1. >”You fought in Iraq?” the journalist pressed.

    >”I was never in a firefight myself, but I’ve always told the truth about my Marine Corps service,” [Vance ](https://www.rawstory.com/news/jd-vance-popular/)acknowledged.

    >The New Republic [pointed out](https://newrepublic.com/post/184662/jd-vance-attack-tim-walz-stolen-valor-background) that Vance’s military service “wasn’t exactly the boots-on-the-ground experience that he’s now framing it as.”

    >**”Instead, Vance served a single four-year enlistment in the public affairs section in the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, and wrote in his memoir, Hillbilly Elegy, that he was ‘lucky to escape any real fighting,'” the report said.**

    He just went there for the GI Bill and was happy NOT to fight. He was just a pencil pusher writing press releases, not the war hero he would like to portray himself as.

  2. No, just implied it saying his opponent ditched combat by retiring after 25 years of service, serving as the Seargent Major commander of his artillery unit (Although he hadn’t yet achieved the rank of that role). Meanwhile Vants served in a rear office during the war, nowhere near any battles.

  3. JD Vance’s tendency to mislead the public about his military service raises serious concerns about his character. This kind of dishonesty, where he manipulates perceptions for personal gain, mirrors the troubling behavior seen in individuals who exploit trust for more nefarious purposes. While I am not making any direct accusations, it is important to recognize that this type of manipulation and lack of transparency are traits often seen in those who engage in predatory behavior directed at children and toddlers. Such characteristics should give voters pause when considering someone for public office, as they may indicate deeper, unsettling tendencies. We must demand integrity and truthfulness from our leaders, as these qualities are essential to ensuring they act in the public’s best interest, free from ulterior motives.

  4. Neither did Walz you weird couch-f*cker. Walz said he was TRAINED on combat weapons. He DID NOT say he was in combat. Also, Walz left the military a YEAR before Iraq deployment. He was honorably discharged and DID NOT desert his unit

    Now, go adjust your eyeliner it’s smudging

  5. Everyone in a combat zone was placed in a wide variety of situations, and everyone reacted to it differently. I served in 3 combat zones, but never saw direct combat (thankfully). I don’t claim to be a combat vet, whatever that is. People that were next to me do consider themselves to have been in combat, and I celebrate that. I don’t need to gatekeep your trauma.

  6. This guy is a massive fraud.

    I hope there is outrage among Marines who actually fought who can’t believe this pencil pusher, who avoided all combat, pretended to be one of them to destroy another Veteran’s service record.

  7. He was part of the mass communication group. So he basically got to say what he saw and get filtered. Too bad it couldn’t happen in congress for him.

  8. Well whaddabout mr. bonespurs’ military record, besides his military school where parents ditch their problem kids. He says military service is for “suckers” and says of John McCain, that McCain is not a hero and that trump only “…likes people who weren’t captured.” etc.

    And don’t forget trump argued to honor the taliban with an invitation to Camp David, welcomed known russian spies into the Oval Office where top secret docs were on his desk in full view, had secret talks with putin and only one other russian translator, & stole, hid, & lied about hiding top secret docs., shared classified info with people not security cleared, discussed military scenarios on the phone in his unsecured, open maralago restaurant, etc., ad nauseam.

    Stop voting for this anti-American, anti-Armed Services, security risk and notorious deadly insurrectionist.

  9. I have a friend who was a tank commander in Afghanistan. He never saw any action because the other guys quit the fight whenever they saw armor moving in. That’s not to say he wasn’t put in extremely dangerous situations busting down doors and risking driving over ied’s but, he told me most of his time was spent trying to meditate situations with village chiefs regarding nonsense like goats they said the army accidentally killed.

  10. Walz also left after he put in 25 years. Combat is not for old men. He made a wise move. Neither saw combat but I have more respect for someone who served as long as he did.

  11. Waltz put in 24 years. You put in 4 years you couch fucking sack of shit. Shut the fuck up.

  12. I’m trying to figure the logic here. First of all, who exactly is dissing Walz’s military record? I can’t believe a former Marine would, but did he? Or was it somebody else? Shees… the vast majority of military veterans do not ever see combat or firefights, but their support is still important. Is there something I’m missing? Does JD or any of the Trumpsters who are coming down on Walz realize the Donald skipped military service during Vietnam, having to live a miserable life of tennis and golf (he still golfs) his whole life while he had bone spurs.

    I mean, Trump’s whole campaign seems to have backsplash dripping all over it.

  13. Walz is one of the guys trying to find Rambo. Vance is Joker from FMJ. That’s it in a nutshell

  14. Vance really need to be careful because dems could pull Trumps draft records and show he got off fighting in a war because daddy ask his doctor to write up a medical report about Trumps bone spurs.

  15. JD Vance will go down as one of the worst picks for VP ever. It’s also very telling of how terrible Trump is at picking people to be on his team. The whole campaign just continues to implode.

  16. At least he told the truth? It’s rather sad when the best thing you expect to come out of a campaign is the truth, because it is so rare.

  17. I never saw combat either, the closest thing was somesort of preparedness in 1998 when Sodamn Insane wasn’t allowing UN people to check his possible WMD’s when I was on active duty, and twice as a reservist between 02-03

  18. I worked with a vet who claimed he did large work in Afghanistan. And was constantly arguing he hated the job he now had because he was only make $100k a year. Yeah he never was in the field or anything. He set up maintenance and networking for bases. But he never saw one bit of combat but acted like he was under fire the whole 2 years he was there.

  19. “I’m just insinuating that Tim was a coward for leaving after seeing *many* years of combat!”

  20. He served 4 years in the Marine Makeup Brigade. He earned a medal for the perfection of his eyeliners.

    He may be a bigger asshole than Trump.

  21. JD was a Marine, and did serve in a combat theater. Whether he saw action or not is irrelevant, and he’s been surprising open about that. So I do give him props. Would that service cause me to want to vote for any ticket that has Vance as a candidate? Oh hell no, but not for this reason.

    Regardless, trying to denigrate Walz’ service is batshit crazy. He, like Vance, served his country, albeit longer then Vance. So, basically, this entire attempt at swift boating is insane and just red meat to the magatards.

  22. The only thing this cupcake ever had to worry about was whether or not to hit the ECO button on the A/C unit in the office he was typing in.

  23. “I didn’t not say I never hadn’t seen direct combat…” – Julia Dianne Vance, VP nominee – Sephora Platinum Cosmetics Client

  24. Never denigrate service by any honorably discharged veteran. People of my generation appreciate how military service is honorably respected (these days) as opposed to Viet Nam returnees who were viewed as some degree of secondary patriots. Those old men you see stumbling around sporting their pony tails are still protesting the hand some of them were dealt sixty years ago. It’s very difficult to reconcile attempting to comply with the call to service (draft or enlistment) with the manner which your response is interpreted by those who never answered the call. I don’t question anybody’s role or job when they acknowledge my Eagle/Anchor/Globe insignia versus which branch they (he/she) participated during their term of service. I do appreciate the deference Marine Corps veterans receive from some people but I did not personally contribute to that mythology, so I also don’t participate in the intra-service fraternity posing… I’ll leave that to the service academy athletic team to sort through each Fall. Bottom line: Appalachian Hillbilly: bite your tongue.

  25. JD Vance getting swiftboated would be delicious indeed, though unlike John Kerry this man was no hero, war or otherwise.

  26. JD Vance never saw combat during his service but was quick to say Waltz is stealing valor… Vance is a POS!

  27. Why can’t they just honor each other for their service. I honor both of them for their service. Everyone is needed in the military, press releasers and national guardsmen included. Can we just stop attacking each other?!?!?

  28. I have zero problem with that as long as you don’t embellish it. I would think most people who served did not get to fight.

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