Keeping it classy with the MAGA base!

Keeping it classy with the MAGA base!

Posted by TrisolaranPrinceps-

  1. This is what you get when you don’t allow trans and gay boys to express themselves and force them to conform to gender norms.

    They become goofy little incels with too much eye makeup

  2. This is the same party that frets about kids being exposed to inappropriate books.

  3. I’m not surprised the MAGA base would be excited to be able to plaster the words “cum” and “Allah” on a huge board in public

  4. They’re obsessed with gay stuff and semen. No wonder why Grindr went down when they all went to the RNC

  5. And our fucked up system is set up to privilege the votes of these dumb ass overgrown middle school kids by giving them extra weight.

  6. Proof they care about kids. Trans bad, this is fine, though. Have I got that right?

  7. i swear. all magas must have been spawned from expired cum. like they all look like they came out of the womb already spoiled.

  8. Walz makes a tongue in cheek reference to Vance needing to get off the couch. Not a single crude accusation, nothing offensive, nothing normal people would even notice is out of the ordinary because it’s a common figure of speech being employed with a slight wink and smile as a joke only the most tuned in voters would even pick up on. Even so, MAGA loses their mind about how “rude and uncivil” the Democratic party has become.

    Meanwhile every Republican talking head from Trump on down routinely accuses Kamala of being pro-pedophile and say she slept her way to the top. Naturally it’s nothing but crickets from these same faux pearl clutchers who complain about Democratic rhetoric but never the disgusting stuff coming from their own side. So the GOP can fuck off with their attempts to paint the Dems as being the crude, disgusting and name calling party. As usual, every accusation is a confession.

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