How do you do fellow cowboys? What’s the deal with foreigners, amirite?

“How do you do fellow cowboys? What’s the deal with foreigners, amirite?”

Posted by dabblez_

  1. Vivake the Fake. Got hit upside the head with a yuuge sign that said ‘Truth’. And he still kept right on lying.

  2. He’s a traitor, he switched sides when they played cowboys and Indians.

  3. Look at his “Borat went to the rodeo” ass. What’s next? Is he going to sing the song too?

  4. “Hey, boy! Lookin’ mighty cute in dem jeans…” 😆🤘


  5. I stg this guy is trying too hard to grift the conservatives and has no idea why it isn’t working.

  6. Well we’re just a couple of oil men in from Dallas and we’re a-itchin like a hound to give ya whatcha want.

  7. He always reminds me of the Tom Haverford character from Parks & Rec. And not in a good way.

  8. oh no ann coulter is gonna make a tasteless cowboys and indians joke we need to tell him before it’s too late

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