Russia should feel what it has done to Ukraine, says President Zelenskyy | World News | WION

After Ukraine launched an unprecedented incursion across the border President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reasoned that Russia brought war to his country and must feel the consequences. Watch in for more details!

#russia #ukraine #russiaukrainewar

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  1. playing the aggressive psycho victim
    is an ancient zionist trick, son.

    f u can clearly read this

    then there still might be

    some time left to change

    the wrong directions you follow, hon.

    which came first, chicken, eggs,

    Sanskrit, arabic or hebrew?

    or the Rgveda, bible, quran or Bhagavad Gita?

    trumpty dumpty had himself shot

    in the head with blanks.

    it was an inside false flag job, yo.

    why'd they hoist him up with his

    head and right fist still visible?

    Sanskrit is the original language, jack.

    not arabic nor hebrew.

    islam is a false religion as much as judeochristianity is, man.

    the real giant, transcendental, celestial hindu gods

    who love animals and nature far moreso than they do

    humans who consume and do harm to them, would fulfill

    all our wishes and fix it in a jif if enough of us asked for their assistance.

    सृ॒जन्ति॑ र॒श्मिमोज॑सा॒ पन्थां॒ सूर्या॑य॒ यात॑वे ।

    ते भा॒नुभि॒र्वि त॑स्थिरे ॥

    sṛjanti raśmim ojasā panthāṃ sūryāya yātave |

    te bhānubhir vi tasthire ||

    “They, who by their might open a

    radiant path for the sun to travel,

    they pervade (the world) with lustre.” RgVeda 8.7.8

    सृ॒जन्ति॑ र॒श्मिमोज॑सा॒ पन्थां॒ सूर्या॑य॒ यात॑वे ।

    ते भा॒नुभि॒र्वि त॑स्थिरे ॥

    हरे कृष्णा हरे कृष्णा कृष्णा कृष्णा हरे हरे हरे रामा हरे रामा रामा रामा हरे हरे 🛕

    protect cows as much

    as you can for salvation!

    which came first

    hebrew or sanskrit?

    happy to help as much as possible.

    clearly it was make-up on trumpty dumpty's ear,

    they put on there when he was down.

    what we have here is a bipartisan false

    inside flag job, dear.

    know that Kalki, the 10th son of Vishnu'll

    be back long before fictitious

    jesus christ never gets here….

    Xianity, islam and judaism and every

    other religion, for that matter're

    copied from hinduism, darling.

    The Rig Veda was likely composed

    between roughly 5000–1100 BCE,

    making it the world's oldest religious text,

    in Sanskrit, the original language.

    It was preserved over centuries

    by oral tradition alone and was

    probably not put in writing before the Early Middle Ages.

    Shatkona (षट्कोण) is a symbol

    used in Hindu yantra; a “six-pointed star” is

    made from two interlocking triangles;

    the upper stands for Shiva, Purusha, the lower for Shakti, Prakriti.

    their union gives birth to Sanat Kumara,

    whose sacred number is six.

    kalki, the 10th son of Vishnu'll

    be back long before fictitious

    jesus christ never is.

    there'd be no unjust war at all,

    Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard if we'd follow

    the path of the real hindu celestial gods who love

    unconditionally, animals and nature far moreso

    than they do evil people who destroy and consume

    them, wouldn't we, now?

    any friend of bibi netanyahu is

    an enemy of truth and humanity.

    ie…the biggest dummy, trumpty dumpty

    who had himself shot in the head with blanks by crooks.

    one most certainly must ascertain

    the white kardashians are rich thanks

    much to black oj simpson's

    shady not guilty verdict.

    Sanskrit is the original language

    and source of all other alphabets

    without any question.

    not latin, greek, hebrew, aramaic,

    chinese, japanese, korean, norwegian,

    spanish, italian, german, french, nor least

    of all, english. many stories written in hindu

    scriptures in Sanskrit originally, also appear in newer

    hebrew, greek, arabic, and aramaic plagiarized scriptures.

    even the star of david

    is stolen from hinduism, too.

    Shatkona (षट्कोण) is a symbol

    used in Hindu yantra; a “six-pointed star” is

    made from two interlocking triangles; the upper

    stands for Shiva, Purusha, the lower for Shakti, Prakriti.

    their union gives birth to Sanat Kumara,

    whose sacred number is six.

    kalki, the 10th son of Vishnu'll

    be back long before fictitious

    jesus christ never is….

    हरे कृष्णा हरे कृष्णा कृष्णा कृष्णा

    हरे हरे हरे रामा हरे

    रामा रामा रामा हरे हरे 🛕🧞‍♀🧜‍♀


  2. 😅😅😅 but his killing civilians.. I mean face the Russia military not the civilians. And now they are being crush like ants .🐜 3 day Russia has kill 5K 🇺🇦 soldiers.. 😢how sad

  3. Zelinski should go after those who ended Ukrainian peace when they did a coup in 2014..those who set aside the minsk agreements need to face the music

  4. Russia was freeing the Russian speaking part of Ukrain, Where Ukraine killed 14000 citisizens before the mil. operation of Russia started. Evil always lies, always destroys, but in the end will LOOSE!!!! Zelenksi doen'st want Peace, he want serve Satan who owns already the western world!!

  5. But u must aware that russia didnt trust if u r allowed NATO to its border same way too if cuba allowed russia war machine to U.S. boarder. And U.S. didnt accept like russia too…. And u ukraine didnt understand that…. Existence of two great powers will always be differences in many ways….so thats why if u think responsible for the best interest for the nations of the world u must think that the best way to balanced the world order is not only the U.S. and its western mind set to be the sole ruler if world design and shape the world order to not abused their position as hegemonic and world order shaper design and balance it with russia and china….wether u like it or not their is always an disadvantage if we are all westernized all around the world…

  6. Ukraine is just giving Russia the same medicine that Russia has been giving them. Let's see if Putin can keep the Russia population from turning against him for this war he started, now that Ukraine is pushing into parts of Russia.

  7. Russia cannot be accused of starting a war with Ukraine, because Russia was provoked to do so by the USA and NATO. At the moment, Russia is conducting a defensive war, not an offensive one. Russia is fighting for its existence and will fight until the end. This could end tragically for the world.

  8. Can you imagine how many Ukraines soldiers are going to die in that region. I feel sad for Ukrainians men for dying in-vein.

  9. President Zelenzky is right Putin and Russian people must feel the war and lies of Putin. Russian people made a big mistake of voting Putin again as their president. They supported a war criminal according to the ICC.

  10. The comidian is really stupid, he doesn’t even realized that kursk is a trap. Russians let ukrainians in and in and in into kursk while russians advancing in the south thus Sorrounding ukrainians soon. 😄😄😄😄

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