Psychiatrist Concerned Americans are Being ‘Blocked From Receiving’ Info on Trump’s ‘Dementia’: ‘It should now be obvious that Donald Trump is in a psychotic spiral’

Psychiatrist Concerned Americans are Being ‘Blocked From Receiving’ Info on Trump’s ‘Dementia’: ‘It should now be obvious that Donald Trump is in a psychotic spiral’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Psychiatrist [Dr. Bandy Lee M.D.]( is concerned that Americans are being “blocked from receiving the most critical education” about Donald Trump and possible “dementia.”

    After a lengthy press conference at Mar-a-Lago Thursday, questions surfaced again about Trump’s purported decline. Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich penned a column on his Substack complaining about the media ignoring Trump’s mental stability.

    Amid the “lies and insults,” Reich cited a number of stories where the ex-president didn’t appear to remember facts correctly.

    “If you look at Martin Luther King, when he did his speech, his great speech, and you look at ours — same real estate, same everything, same number of people, if not — we had more,” Trump said.

    According to Reich, “These are not the statements of a sane person. Trump is showing growing signs of dementia.”

    Dr. Lee authored her own column on the matter Friday, citing the book she and colleagues wrote together: The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.

    She alleged that she and the authors of the book, “Have been sidelined and stymied in ways that could not prevent further calamities, such as 1.2 million American deaths from Covid-19 mismanagement or the January 6 violent insurrection against the government and attack on democracy—not to mention the collective psychosis of Trump Contagion and the predicament of a third Trump presidential candidacy.”

    She said that the experts came together because there was an “existential threat to American democracy” and “to all humankind” with Trump in the White House.

    “It should now be obvious that Donald Trump is in a psychotic spiral,” Lee wrote on X Friday morning. “His obsession with crowds to delusional levels and his vicious name-calling point to severe unraveling. When there is no other possibility and extreme danger, mental health experts have a duty to speak up.”

    She explained that her concern is that far too many Americans are “under the ‘spell’ of Trump Contagion, so much so that the abnormal has become the new norm.”


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  2. the man has lost it, his brain is mush

    if Biden said 1 of the things mushbrain said at his “presser” lie conference yesterday the men in the white coats would take him away

    but trump says it, noooo problem!!!

    Wake up White People, the man is fried!

  3. He acts like he has dementia –

    He needs an independent team ( one that does not use remembering 5 words as the measure of a sound mind) to assess his competency, and if necessary, recommend he is not fit to be in any position of responsibility.

  4. The press is failing. If Biden were a third as unhinged and unwell as Trump was yesterday, it would have been from page news for days

  5. God forgive me, But, I am praying that “Alzheimer’s sets in immediately!” He’s already there on the cusp of it.

  6. Just let him keep on making a fool of himself. Maybe the people on the fence will shake their heads and say “no”. The die hards won’t change their minds even if he’s incoherently blabbering and drooling.

  7. I don’t want to hear his voice anymore.

    I don’t want to hear his fuckin stupid ramblings.

    I don’t want to see or hear the media frenzy every time this orange old fuck shits himself.

    I really wish everyone would stop posting anything about him. Asshole should have gone away four years ago.

    Yet here we are.

    Note: Not aimed at you OP. I’m just fucking tired of this guy

  8. I feel like the best time to acknowledge this was 9 years ago – the next best time is today.

  9. This has been a topic for several months. There’s even a podcast tracking his dementia behavior. The issue is according to Sinclear Broadcast Group insider Trump made a deal with them to give him positive coverage and if elected he would let them circumvent the Local Marketing Agreement

  10. Nonsense. He’s stammering and mumbling more now than he did in 2016 and 2020, but otherwise, Waddles is behaving 100% in character. He’s always been a psychotic babbling stootz, that’s nothing new. His first term was an overwhelming display of gassy ineptitude, and he did and said things on a daily basis just as dumb as anything he’s saying or doing today.

  11. Seriously ..Does anyone really believe that his cult cannot see this as well..The real issue is most are dumb fucks and couldn’t care less … They’re blocked in the brains department which makes receiving any message useless.

  12. Echoing every mental health professional I’ve heard speak on the issue the last six months.

  13. Chill everyone. Sept 10th Dementia Don will be spewing some crazy shit. Kamala will sit back and let the country witness Adolf Alzheimer on full display. lol.

  14. The media depends on advertising dollars. A dramatic close election generates ratings and money. The “news” will do everything they can to keep trump popular. They’re already turning on Walz, and soon the attacks on Harris will start. Gotta keep those swing states on the edge.

  15. Trump’s people are manipulating their supporters’ perception of trump, no matter how it affects their constituents or the rest of the country or the world? What else is new. As long as they get what they want that’s the only thing that matters to them. Hiding his dementia is the least of it.

  16. I mean how hard would it be to Truman Show him at this point? We could do it. “Sir, you won. We are to report to the White House.” And we could put him in one of those dementia villages where they’re “open communities” with stores and libraries, movies… everything like real life except everyone who works in them are caregivers, doctors, nurses and psychologists and the buses don’t go anywhere. We could build one where he’s “president” but when he sundowns everyone around him are caregivers.

  17. Honestly slk bs aside it is strange for him to not be out there. He’s always done tons of rallies. Then he has jd out there and see couple of his speeches and the one was on a factory floor looked like and there wee more cameras than people there to watch and another they showed that there was maybe couple hundred. There’s no way in hell donald would stand for that especially when he really needs to drum up the support. He’s a control freak. Idk if agree with dementia but something is off. Time will tell

  18. Isn’t it much more likely that he’s going through some sort of addiction problem?

  19. The former and maybe future President was shot weeks ago and we have not heard one update from a doctor.

  20. He has frontotemporal dementia most likely, but definitely seems like some sort of dementia.
    Quite a few prominent healthcare professionals were saying it nearly 10 years ago but it got largely covered up.

    Back in 2015 you could tell then from his forward leaning stance, slurring of words (which has only gotten WAY worse), inability to hold a thought, inappropriate behavior, lack of empathy, balance problems, and repeating things said to him (echolalia), that he was likely suffering from dementia.

    Literally ALL the signs are there. He has exhibited every last symptom of frontotemporal dementia.

  21. Fortunately they’re kinda stuck with him. The delegates all voted unanimously for him to be the candidate and even if he dropped out due to his mental decline they’d be stuck with JDV. On the flip side purchases of couches from Trump’s cultists would increase as a show of support for JDV.

  22. I’m kind of here for this very public downfall. Not going to lie even though Donnie winning is terrifying.

    Musk next hopefully

  23. If Joe would have had that presser from the other night, everyone would be screaming dementia. He legitimately looked not okay

  24. I haven’t watched any full videos of his rants but I’ve seen several of the big rants he has gone on post Biden dropping out.

    He 100% rambles in the exact same way my grandmother did before passing from dementia, except she was a sweet old non hateful lady.

  25. We should probably also look at the people who are still blindly following the guy. Clearly there is a lot of brain rot spreading.

  26. You don’t need a psych diagnosis to understand that Trump is a horrible choice to be our president.

  27. It’ll be interesting to see what the final straw of his insanity will be. With Trump it feels like a descending Shepard scale.

  28. I love when he’s asked a question with abbreviations that he should know what they stand for – yet he doesn’t know what the abbreviations are….. so he answers “you explain to me what you think it means – go ahead”. Then I’ll answer…..

  29. When you have worked with people with psychiatric disorders for 40+ years, it is easy to spot the evidence. The man is suffering. He needs help. He is just a trained money to his inner circle.

  30. Duh…everyone with a brain knows that he’s psycho with dementia brain. Just like his father.

    Chris O’Donnell unleased on the media yesterday basically calling them assholes and not journalists because they just lob him soft questions, let him get away without answering one question, don’t stand up to his lies, etc. Plus, that every news station was covering his incoherent ramblings and not one covered Kamala’s rally.

    The press did Joe wrong. They’re doing Kamala wrong. Makes me sick

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