Jesus dude, try to curb your enthusiasm.

Jesus dude, try to curb your enthusiasm.

Posted by clarkbarniner

  1. I actually feel sorry for Montana at the moment.

    Hopefully they’ll be able to fumigate the state after he leaves.

  2. Can someone tell me why he’s campaigning in Montana? Is it because of the senate seat?

  3. Usually presidents age faster when in office. Trump is so weird he cannot do even this normally.

  4. Context, he’s only in what he’d call a _shithole state_ to beg for money from actual billionaires, most of whom made their fortunes by running successful oil and gas extraction industries. These are the types of billionaires who despise people like Trump but consider him more likely to represent their interests. Basically, he gets to spend the next few days in a place he hates around people he hates, who hate him, to beg for their pocket change like a wino. He already feels humiliated with the new polls which his billionaire masters will throw in his face and grill him on.

    He’s hating life right now, and earned every bit of that misery.

  5. “Grrrrr I’m such an angry grandpa…Montana pisses me off but im not sure why……humble yourselves before my orange scrotum…you have 3 electoral votes that are already mine but I can’t resist your majestic views”

  6. Holy shit! This guy looks horrible ! Oh man that’s hilarious, I hope only the worst for this man.

  7. He’s reaching that state of old age where his hair is completely changing. I don’t think he’ll be able to style his comb over anymore. Wonder if he’ll start wearing a hair piece.

  8. I don’t want to hear his voice anymore.

    I don’t want to hear his fuckin stupid ramblings.

    I don’t want to see or hear the media frenzy every time this orange old fuck shits himself.

    I really wish everyone would stop posting anything about him. Asshole should have gone away four years ago.

    Yet here we are.

    Note: Not aimed at you OP. I’m just fucking tired of this guy

  9. How poetic, his incessant need for attention will give us a play by play view to his slow, steady unraveling as he begins to comprehend facing the consequences for his abominable life.

  10. He’s tired 🤣

    He knows he cant quit though

    If he decide to quit he’s going to jail 🤣

  11. According to an earlier article, Trump’s plane was forced to land in Billings, Montana due to mechanical problems. He had to take a different plane to get to Boseman, where his rally was. I wonder how many people were still hanging around when he finally showed up, or if this was his excuse for a small crowd.

  12. Did he de-orange himself to look less weird? He just looked tired and old now.

  13. I just can’t figure out the appeal here. “Oh, an angry tired old millionaire is rolling into town to whine at us for 2 hours straight – great! He’s our guy!”

    Everything about him and his rallies and his fans is just so bloody _miserable_.

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