Ur a winner kiddo. Don’t you ever forget

Ur a winner kiddo. Don’t you ever forget

Posted by SnowCrashHiro

  1. voting still a priority to gain house & senate seats. maga needs to be removed

  2. This crowd argument is pointless. Biden didn’t have large crowds and beat Trump on 2020

  3. It is still early. People have a short attention span and may move on or not have the same energy come November. I have very little faith in my fellow citizens nowadays.

  4. Apparently, Mango Unchained isn’t paying the venues that have held his rallies. Subsequently, people from these venues are spreading the word and he’s having a much harder time booking them.

  5. Don’t get cocky. Vote.

    Now is the time to check your voter registration to make sure you haven’t been “incorrectly” removed from voter rolls.

  6. ‘but her’s is bigger!’
    – trump, prolly not the first time he said this

  7. People still need to vote. As a Texan, who gets tricked every cycle by enthusiasm, I know this feeling too well. Look at the crowds! Feel the passion! The other guy doesn’t even do events!

    Ted Cruz and Abbott still exist.

  8. But everyone knows Trump has the biggest crowds. Millions of people. Why do we need to show pictures?

  9. I hate Trump with a passion, but the differing angles of the photos is quite misleading. I’d like to see a side-by-side comparison of the ENTIRE arenas.

  10. The biggest crowd you’ll ever see. He’s got the biggest crowds full of the best people and nobody ever does it better than him.

  11. Harris’s crowd looks bigger than trumps? Is this some sort of trick of the camera? Trump said his crowds were bigger? Is most of Harris’s crowd press? I heard they were giving out 100$ bills to everyone that went to Harris’s rally and only 2$ bills with trumps picture at his rally. I bet that’s it.

  12. Who goes to these? I’d hate to go to a crowded stadium to listen to promises that will likely never come to fruition.

  13. That’s because there are less weirdos then normal ppl.

    I’m mean at this point, only a brainwashed weirdo would vote for Dementia Don the Con who was convicted of 34 felonies, a rapist, a pedophile and friend of Epstein, and weirdo who talks about dating his daughter. Oh, and let’s not forget when he collided with Russia and tried to end NATO before Russia invaded Ukraine. This asshole – Dementia Don the Con- swore to defend the constitution then attempted to end our democracy on /6 Jan.

    Who the fuck is still voting for this dangerous ass-clown???

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