Every Glenn Beck show…

Every Glenn Beck show…

Posted by ThisMeansWarm

  1. What does that soggy cunt even do now? Didn’t he get tossed like the tosser he is and end up on a more fascist propaganda outlet

  2. All I think about when someone says his name is him crying. Such a whiny little titty baby.

  3. Remember after the 2016 election when he and others where like “we need to tone down the rhetoric.”? Beck apologized, admitted he was part of the problem, promises to change, did change for a few weeks, realized you don’t make nearly as much money in right wing politics when you’re reasonable, so he went right back to the rhetoric that he said was so bad.

  4. During the former president’s term, I would constantly remind Glenn about his brief bout with sanity. He, like Limbaugh briefly called Trump a dangerous conman. When Don Pedo won the Electoral College, Beck called the future covfefe drinker a fascist who will be a danger to the nation. [https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/11/politics/glenn-beck-hillary-clinton-moral-ethical-choice/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/11/politics/glenn-beck-hillary-clinton-moral-ethical-choice/index.html)

  5. You missed a step — the full-on snotslinging whining and crying like a little baby portion of the show is always a hit.

  6. I can’t believe I used to watch this guy in high school. Course that was back in 2005-2006ish when he wasn’t so crazy.

  7. I remember after the 2016 election he apologized and said politics was getting out of control. He said he’d calm it down and so should other political host. That last about a day.

  8. And the commercials for all the giant freezedried “apocalypse Bunker snacks” so yeah, no fear-mongering at all. “WHAT WILL YOU EAT WHEN YOU’RE WITH YOUR FAMILY IN A BUNKER??? ORDER NOW!!:

  9. Down voting because, if you don’t publicize the scum, they sink back into the ground.

    Why do you people keep digging up the sewage buried just so they can say, “Ew, that stinks!”

  10. That something that will chill you to the bone is that Mike “pillow guy” Lindell has evidence election was stolen. 3+ys later still waiting. Did not know Beck was even remotely relevant anymore

  11. You’re officially a millennial oldfag if you still remember Glenn Beck and Bill O’Rielly. This guy was the original Alex Jones. I remember one of my relatives came to visit at his nadir when his show was on. She asked me why there was an extremely mentally disturbed person on TV who sounded like he was on drugs. Americans don’t realize just how crazy they are.

  12. I once heard Glenn Beck on the radio say solar power was useless because what about when the sun goes out?

    That was one of the dumbest utterances I heard that year…and Bush was President so there was a lot of strong competition for that top, dumbest spot.

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