I’m jus sayin’ if you really believe in the free market and limited government…

I’m jus sayin’ if you really believe in the free market and limited government…

Posted by professorearl

  1. McDs needs to roll-out defamation lawsuits.

    I realize this shit is stupid, but folks believe it. Amazingly.

    Accountability is the only tool we have to stop it.

  2. Trolling them and stopping taking their dumb shit seriously has been the best organic move I’ve seen in my whole life.

  3. What MAGA site did McD’s pull their advertising from? That’s what usually triggers these MAGATs these days.

  4. Oh frig off Rosanne. I saw you drive four or five of those fetus burgers into yer ol gut today.

  5. Do these people hear themselves? Is there really this level of untreated mental illness on the right that people actually *believe* this?

    Who listens to a person literally saying in public– on a show– that the biggest fast food restaurant in the world is *grinding up fetal tissue from aborted babies and using it in their food* and doesn’t say, “Hey, are these the people I really want to be in bed with?”

  6. I would honestly pay to watch a sitcom with Rosanne Barr and MTG. As long as it was filmed on a spaceship that was traveling at sub light to Proxima D. It’s a very close star system, but for current tech, a long enough commute to allow humanity to evolve far enough to cope with the toxic stupidity these two produce.

  7. Wait – has she ever been photographed w Orange A-hole? Not saying they’re the same person- just asking questions!

  8. If you are on the same side as a woman claiming that McDonald’s is feeding people “fetus burgers” maybe you should reevaluate your life choices. Like jfc. Pizza gate. The baby eating thing. Like the list goes on and on. They have been proven wrong time and time again yet here we are. Like I said…..if you find yourself agreeing with people like this woman…..SEEK MENTAL HELP! This is not normal behavior

  9. They wouldn’t sell fetus burgers to commoners!

    They need them for their satanic blood orgies.

  10. I miss the days when cameras cost way too much and there were only a few tv stations and newspapers. That was a time when village idiots stayed in the parks, ranting at pigeons all day.

  11. This is someome who couldn’t even keep it together enough to stay on her own show.

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