Trump holds news conference at Mar-a-Lago and boy does he look old, frail and tired. lol

look at him in the video compared to the stock picture that popped up for this article- boy does he look old, frail and tired as hell. Seriously the guy looks like he has some major dementia going on. I think his brain has finally given up because Harris is everything he fears rolled into one candidate. A black person, a woman and a prosecutor!

all this guy does is continuously bitch, complain and make himself the victim but then he tries to turn around and make himself out to be some strong person. 🤔 the truth is he is a weak feeble minded insecure person who is not fit for the office of president. He should do what Biden did and step aside for the good of the country and for the good of the party. Unfortunately those are two things that he will never do because he doesn't care about the country or the party. Also before you trip over yourself to call me a liberal I am a proud Republican who if not given the choice of another candidate will be voting for Harris.

Posted by yurinacult

  1. He has used up to much of that personal energy that is finite and its starting to get all used up?

  2. I seriously hope he stays in the race, a winning ticket (DJT and JDV). They’re not quitters. He just needs to eat his Cheerios.

  3. Tired old low energy donald. Less than 100 days from the biggliest election and all he has the power for is one stop in important battleground(?) Montana and a talk from his basement.

    He is really leaving it ALL out on the field for ‘Murca!


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