Posted by cmaia1503

  1. The amount of racism from Romanian fans has been absolutely vile, her medal better not be stripped.

  2. Typical fucking CAS. Same clowns that let man city get away with blatant financial doping

  3. Too much abuse on her ig. She already posted a ig story that she will stay off the social media

  4. Hating the athlete here is obviously ridiculous, it’s not her fault in the slightest. Either one.

  5. Did Jordan lose her medal or was a second bronze awarded ? it’s fine if the latter.

  6. From what I saw on Twitter: the hate was stirred up by accounts who have no interest in gymnastics, they wanted to spread a message of “the white girl was cheated out of a medal because the olympic organisers wanted an all black podium”.

  7. Happy for Barbosu! Sad for Voinea and Chiles. The judges got it so wrong on this one.

  8. Can someone explain why Jordan Chiles’ floor difficulty was scored at 5.8 difficulty for both the qualifications and team final, but 5.9 (after the inquiry) in the floor final?

  9. I’m mad at the judges. Why aren’t they being singled out? The judges involved in both scoring errors (out of bounds for 5th place Romanian and Jordans difficulty rating) should be fined and banned. Instead, the athletes are receiving the full force of everyone’s frustration. What a mess.

  10. I’m here to apologize for the insane behavior of Romanians. We do have some bad apples. You have to be “terminally online” to go to someone’s social media to complain and leave racism remarks.

  11. Chiles’s points speak for themselves—she got the bronze, period. even if the inquiry was submitted *checks notes* four fucking seconds after the one-minute deadline.

    the judges were also fucking incompetent. if anything should come out of this, it’s them being permanently barred from judging gymnastics.

    edit: was under the impression that both athletes had their medals reinstated.

  12. It’s important to note that CAS has no authority over medal allocation in Women’s Gymnastics. It’s now FIG and IOC’ decision to follow (or not follow) this ruling.

    **Important Historical Context:**

    * During the 2004 Athens Olympics, Paul Hamm (USA) won the Men’s Artistic Gymnastics All-Around Gold Medal, followed by 2 South Koreans athletes, Kim Dae-Eun (Silver), and Yang Tae Young (Bronze)
    * The Korean delegation submitted a case to FIG contesting Yang’s start value on parallel bars (one of the All Around events), claiming that his start value should be 10, not 9.9, putting him in Gold medal position over Hamm.
    * Note that all the discussions within the Korean delegation or between the Korean delegation and FIG occurred AFTER the competition ended.
    * FIG determined that Yang’s start value during the competition was indeed wrong and should have been 10, instead of 9.9.
    * The National Olympic Committees for the United States and Korea met with the IOC and proposed that Gold medals be awarded to both Hamm and Yang.
    * However, the IOC refused to award 2 Gold medals but would defer to FIG regarding the re-allocation of medals.
    * FIG President at that time sent a letter requesting Hamm to return his Gold medal
    * The US Olympic Committee claimed that FIG’s request was unacceptable under FIG’s own rules regarding the finality of judges’ scores during the actual competition
    * Yang submitted an appeal to CAS
    * CAS rejected the appeal, claiming that the appeal of Yang’s score was made too later after the competition ended.

    **Therefore, Hamm remains the Gold medalist to this date. This whole event is considered “the most controversial men’s gymnastic event ever”.** I would argue that Chiles’ situation would be “the second most controversial” in artistic gymnastics.

  13. The Romanian contigent wanted 3 Bronzes. These sports (gymnastics, diving, figurr skating, etc) are unbelievably subjective and when the results are so close there should be sudden death or a split medal. The court just ruled that the objection was unfounded. Which it was. The only part of the floor exercise that isnt biased it the difficulty score  and the IOC decided to ignore that. 

  14. who the fuck is attacking jordan?!?!! bring them to me!!!!!


  15. “We screwed up, but you pointed it out four seconds too late, so our screw up stands.”

  16. Anyone trying to make a fuss about an inquiry clearly doesn’t watch gymnastics. Inquiries are quite common, either they believe a skill was missed or misjudged, or want a review on whether a certain difficulty was achieved.

    It happens usually at least once in a competition, more in major events. It’s like challenging a ref call and asking for review.

    I didn’t even know people were fussing about it, so glad I avoid that platform.

  17. *ALL* sports that involve judges and referees *suck*. Clear things are much better, like who crossed a line first. Very little space for subjectivism and human error.

  18. Just Romanian things – suddenly being proven you’re right by some string of fate and being an absolute fucking jackass to those that they think proved them wrong. Sigh. We don’t claim those fuckers, just leaving it at that.

    I feel sorry for Jordan, really. She was okay with the result initially, she was quite a class act during the game and did her floor quite well, if there is anyone I think is to blame, it’s the judges. One extra bronze, one less bronze, who the fuck cares anymore? For us our girls did more than enough to be worth being there to represent us to the Olympics and that’s really the essence of all of it.

    At least Ana can get a picture with the flag at the very least. Not the best of settings, but it’s something.

  19. The real villains and the ONLY ONES people should be pissed at are the judges. Fire their inconsistent asses

  20. If Olympic judges fuck up this badly maybe they shouldn’t be judges anymore.

    One of those situations where giving multiple people the same medal makes perfect sense. Shouldn’t punish the athletes because the judges are incompetent

  21. Some people forget regularly she can’t make the calls. The judges are the ones they should be blaming but even that is bad. I get the misplacement of points but takingnit out on one athlete is crazy. Hope this stops soon.

  22. I feel awful for the Romanian gymnast. Now she gets the bronze but doesn’t get on the podium nor does she get to celebrate in the moment. The judges really did a bang up job with this one.

  23. Why don’t they just rule it a tie at this point? If the US didn’t challenge in time but the Olympics said they did and now they are unsure, they should just give them bronze it’s obviously close enough

  24. I remember the scandal regarding the ice skating competition in Salt Lake City between the Russian and Canadian pairs. The issue was with the judging; which was completely out of the control of the athletes. In the end both teams were awarded the gold medal. It isn’t the athletes fault if there are issues with judging….people need to get a grip and leave these young athletes alone.

  25. Such a mess. It’s not even about a medal at this point you can’t contradict a decision so much it just brings trouble to the athletes

  26. Correct me if I’m wrong, but a minute is not long enough to file an inquiry when the coaches only find out when the scores are posted? This reeks of sour grapes.

  27. This is blame shifting. The judging on the day was wrong is many ways: accepting a late inquiry and giving Sabrina an OOB penalty that didn’t exist. Somehow FIG, via the CAS, have found a way to make it seem that the fault in the floor final was not to do with their judging, but with Jordan’s coach for arriving too late. Completely poor accountability.

  28. I pity both ladies. This isn’t how anyone should win or lose. Shame on the sloppy judges.

  29. The racism of this whole situation has been insane from the moment the all black podium was announced. It has been non-stop hate. I don’t understand it. If anybody is to be at fault it’s honestly the judges.

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