Live: Sentencing of Liverpool rioters televised from court in rare livestream

Live: Sentencing of Liverpool rioters televised from court in rare livestream

John O’Malley, 43, and semi-retired welder William Nelson Morgan, 69, are in the dock.

O’Malley, of Cambridge Gardens in Southport pleaded guilty to violent disorder in Southport, pleaded guilty to violent disorder earlier in the week after rioting outside a mosque in Southport.

Morgan, of Linton Street, Walton was charged with violent disorder and possession of an offensive weapon in Walton. He pleaded guilty to both charges.

The 69-year-old was part of a group who thew bricks, set fire to bins and buildings, and damaged local businesses in County Road, Walton.

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  1. No justice in any uk corts all slave labour sweat sops coming to a town near you soon any 1 out of work and your in that sweat shop making more billions for elites

  2. Who knows that song
    Who’s sorry now
    But don’t worry I’m sure your Asian and black prison inmates will give you a nice welcome and comfortable stay through out your time at his majesty housing😂
    When your honour said 32 months backsides up and down the country that where involved just involuntarily opened up and needed to go change there underwear 😂

  3. @ vgg97

    ​​"A guy raped a 12 year old girl last month and got only 180 hours of community service! But no, there's no two tier policing, and there's a fair justice system." Where on Earth do you get your misinformation and lies?

  4. The Two Tier British justice system can move remarkably quickly when it suits a politician from its own circles. Just not when it suits the Post Office post masters.

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