Japan PM cancels trip over ‘megaquake’ warning | BBC News

Japan has – for the first time – issued a warning about an increased risk of a “major earthquake” striking in the near future.

The advisory was issued on Thursday night local time, telling people to be alert but not to evacuate. It also stressed that the warning did not mean a large earthquake was imminent, but that the probability was higher than usual.

It came hours after a 7.1 magnitude earthquake occurred off the southern island of Kyushu, which reportedly caused no major damage.

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  1. Lots of "praying'" types of posts (which, personally, I find distasteful). I can only presume that many Americans frequent this channel.

  2. ちなみに今日本では南海トラフ地震に加えて、日本列島直撃コースの台風が迫ってきております…

  3. Mark 13:8 KJV
    For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.
    Romans 10:9 KJV
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

  4. I was going to visit Japan next week with my family. I have just cancelled the trip upon hearing about this. Naturally my six year old is very upset about it but safety is paramount

  5. Offshore man made gyzers or upwards waterfalls something to pull the shallow water up if you can do it from shore to sea you know the pressure amount necessary for moving the water from the bottom directly to the surface

  6. Almost everyyear, Japan is hit by such a megaquake. Therefore, almost all of Japanese get used to it. But this quake may be a trigger that causes the most powerful earthquake Japan might face . Its impact is now estimated up to magnitude 9.1.
    If such an earthquake happens even once and devastate the southern part of islands, it's definitely difficult for Japan to get over the predicament. Unfortunately it'd take at least over 10

  7. This advisory from the JMA is honestly causing more harm than good, as it's resulting in panic-buying and mass hysteria, as well as train delays and widespread cancellation of travel plans, etc… and for what? The "elevated risk" of a megaquake is based on the fact that out of 1300+ sizable quakes along the Nankai Trough in the surveyed period, a grand total of 6 of them were followed up hours, days, or — in one case — TWO YEARS later by a megaquake. 6 out of 1300! That's not a statistically significant pattern, that's basically just random chance. And even if you assume it IS a pattern, the "elevated risk" based upon this pattern is elevated by a mere 0.4%. All this mass hysteria over a 0.4% increase in earthquake risk that's controversial to begin with.

    I understand an overabundance of caution can be beneficial, but there's such a thing as an OVER-overabundance of caution. And I think this very much qualifies. It's creating an atmosphere of fear and paranoia in Japan that's unwarranted and self-defeating. A mere reminder to the general public to get their earthquake emergency kits in order would be more than enough — no need to make them fear for their lives over an infinitesimal and likely ephemeral increase in risk.

  8. Dutchsince has been sucessfully predicting earthquakes for years, and "experts" at GCIS have been punishing him for showing them up by having his internet cut, shadow-banning his feeds on X and Youtube and even going so far as to send him death threats…now they are using the same techniques he has been teaching for years in a so-called "first ever prediction".

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