Can you really do both?

Can you really do both?

Posted by ObscureCocoa

  1. They want a certain type of police the kind that they were originally created for.

  2. Coastal Elites are bad, except Trump

    Criminals are bad, except Trump

    Treason is bad, except Trump’s

    Cheaters are bad, except Trump

    Rapists are bad, except Trump

    Pedophiles are bad, except Trump

    Thieves are bad, except Trump

    Bankruptcies are bad, except Trump’s

    He can do no wrong in their eyes, because they just get to pretend he is perfect and everyone else is making all this stuff up.

  3. You can hide all kinds of things behind symbols. No longer shocking. Just weird.

  4. Yes, I think you absolutely can.

    Now if the police were a shining example of morality and were here to genuinely protect and serve the people, then this would be a contradiction.

  5. They don’t believe in the police as a tool of justice; they believe in them as an instrument of punishment and oppression wielded by an untouchable class of noblemen and tycoons. When you realize they prefer police as thugs and mercenaries enacting the will of the powerful and protecting the upper class from justice, not upholding it, their position is not contradictory.

  6. This is the stupidest shit I’ve seen so far … back law enforcement yet praise a criminal… now that a a smart person !! 😂😂

  7. He backs the “badge”, but not the actual police officers who tried to stop the January 6 riot.

  8. Soooo, they are wanting to support their local police to arrest their choice of president?

    Strange but ok.

  9. It’s not about consistency, it’s about the opportunity to vicariously be an abuser.

  10. It’s easy, they back the badge in its capacity to police black people. White people should be free from police interference.

    “There are those the law protects but does not bind and the rest who the law binds but does not protect” is the whole conservative mindset in a nutshell.

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