What’s the most British graffiti you’ve seen?

by Soft-Mirror-1059

  1. There’s a park near my house that has a pointed sign to direct you to the ‘Beacon’, someone scribbled ‘butty’ underneath. Always makes me laugh.

  2. I thought this was a Artsy black and white monochrome picture with just green added for a moment

  3. Hoarding round a building site, says Prince Andrew is a nonce. Building has finished but the section with the graffiti was left up.

  4. When I was a kid there was a street called “Beale Street” Back in the 60s, at the height of the Beatles Craze, somebody had altered it to “Beatle Street”

  5. Kirkintilloch (just north of Glasgow) is the Canal capital of Scotland.

    You can probably guess which letter is often Tippex’d out on the “Welcome to” signs…

  6. Well, there’s always the classic ‘i’ added in between ‘To’ and ‘Let’ to make ‘toilet’ but I fear that’s probably made it’s way into the history books as a means of social expression. I was in Bristol once and I saw scrawled in green felt tip on a window sill *If you reads this you are gay* which gave me a chuckle.

  7. There’s a place in Bath called Henrietta Mews. For as long as I can remember beneath the sign someone has scratched “does she?”

  8. The classic ‘Bill Stickers is innocent’ underneath a sign reading ‘Bill Stickers Will Be Prosecuted’

  9. I was on a camel going around the pyramids and came across an aerosol tag on a really fucking old wall that said Arsenal. This was about 30 years ago!! Wtf.

  10. There’s a farmer here in Cornwall with his family name on the gate. Someone must hate him because they saw Enis and decided to add a P. Now it’s PEnis.

  11. There’s a buttonhole florist in my hometown that often had the “on” covered.

    So puerile but so funny.

  12. Someone overturned their van close to where I work, and in the time it took someone to come and deal with the wreckage, someone had written ‘Can’t park there, mate’ in the dirt on the back doors.

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