As he continues to lose touch with reality, is Trump still fit to be president?

As he continues to lose touch with reality, is Trump still fit to be president?

Posted by BestStoogewasLarry

  1. But <gasp> it appears it may actually have happened. He just had the wrong black politician. He probably thought there was only one so he’d be like “good to see you again” and the black politician he’d never met would be like “hmmmm?” Actually that part wouldn’t happen because he wouldn’t bother himself to admit he met anyone before. It’s a power thing, ya know?

  2. Was Trump ever fit to be president? I could have told you he wasn’t back in 2015.

  3. Lemme fix that for you.

    *Trump is continuing to lose touch with reality and is now even less fit to be President.*

  4. Trump recalling once when he and Arnold Palmer were playing golf and had to fight off an invisible illegal alien. Really brave of them. That’s what people are saying.

  5. I actually find it offensive that people are acting like this isn’t the thousandth time he’s lied or made up something. He does it so much that people forget and never hold him accountable.

  6. Confabulation: When someone with dementia creates new memories of events that didn’t happen, or changes memories of real events. These memories can be autobiographical, and may involve misremembering experiences, placing them in the wrong time or place, or recalling incorrect details. Confabulations can be based in reality, or they can have no basis at all, and may draw on details from movies, TV, or overheard conversations. People with dementia may also confabulate about events that happened decades ago. 

  7. Supposedly a successful strategy to keep Alzheimer’s patients at their care facility without having them under lock and key is to put a fake bus stop right outside of it, with a bench and covered area for shade.

    Patients who take the initiative to leave will go wait at the bus stop, unaware that no bus will ever come to pick them up.  Eventually a staff member will go collect them as by that time they’ve forgotten why they were there in the first place.

    They could do that with Trump, setting up guard rails and let him run around in a walled off garden of fake Twitter timelines etc.  Push him further and further inside that bubble he’s in.  It’d be one way to keep him contained.

  8. Id he’s not, let him keep running and killing his base. this is a blessing in disguise

  9. Harris: Jobs! Affordable Housing! Health Care!
    Trump: I almost had a bad accident in a helicopter somewhere !

  10. He probably never was. But nothing he’s done up to this point seems to sway the Trump loyalist so I doubt his more recent shenanigans will either.

  11. Did they turn down the orange in response to the “weird” comments? It’s like seeing a clown out of makeup.

  12. He wouldnt have invited the black guys on the team to his choppa. Just arnie, the guy always talking about big vaginas, and jessie ventura before ventura said he wont endorse him

  13. He was never fit to be president. That’s why most people voted against both times and will do so again in November.

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