Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s increasing dementia?

Why isn’t the media reporting on Trump’s increasing dementia?


Posted by _Piss_Tape_Expert_

  1. With Trump, you don’t know whether he’s worsening because he’s *always* acting weird.

  2. Because it’s all about the money, they don’t care about telling the truth because it’s boring to them. They want see chaos to give them more headlines.

  3. He held an hour long presser where he lied constantly and didn’t answer their questions, and not one of them called him on it. They aren’t reporters, they are stenographers. Do you think they would bother to report on anything that might jeopardize their access to him?

  4. They haven’t reported on his large donation from Saudi Arabia either which seems a lot more important.

  5. Trump drama brings in a lot of eyeballs i.e. $$. It’s in the medias best self-interest to treat him as completely normal instead of the reality – he is weird.

  6. Excellent point…the media outlets pretty much ran Joe Biden off the Democratic party ticket and looked the other way when it came to Trump’s brain farts…Trump has been given a wide berth from MSM in many respects. Many decided early on, well that’s just Trump being Trump, he’s really not a politician so let’s cut him some slack….😡

  7. How can they tell? The guy’s been doing word salads for years, carefully cleaned up by the legacy media.

  8. Nothing on his Epstein trips. Nothing on the Epstein rape lawsuits. Nothing on his senility. Nothing on his ear…nothing. Nothing on his $10 million from Egypt.

    Teflon Don I guess.

  9. Trump makes a major policy statement about an issue impacting Millions of Americans. Yes, my family also can’t sleep at night because we worry about “the late, great, Hannibal Lecter”, and “sharks and electric batteries”

    # Trump’s Hannibal Lecter remarks leave Anthony Hopkins ‘shocked and appalled’


  10. Because “Trump has dementia; here’s how that’s bad for Biden…” doesn’t play as well now that Kamala is the nominee.

  11. They are. I have read several articles a week about it since the now infamous debate.

  12. Because, just like they were doing for Biden, people are throwing around the word “dementia” with no understanding of what the term actually means.

    Trump and Biden are showing us cognitive decline that is totally common in 80 year olds.

    If you think this is “dementia” I’m happy for you that you and your family have never experienced actual dementia in your lives.

  13. I’d be more concerned with why they’re not telling us a Marxist is running for President.

  14. So an article from a media organization asking why the media isn’t reporting on this ?!?!

  15. Because according to MeidasTouch, all of the corporate media CEO’s are Trump shills.

  16. Because the owners of most of the media are Traitor Trump supporters.Their main interest is keeping their taxes low, and the labor laws repealed .

  17. A message to all voters:

    Kamala Harris has huge momentum and rising popularity but let’s not forget to also vote for Democrats to the House and Senate. If you vote for the Harris/Walz presidential ticket but you also vote for republicans to the House and Senate in November, you’re actually sabotaging any chances that Kamala Harris has at fulfilling campaign promises, policies and having a successful presidency.

    We need to vote in numbers that are big and undeniable in EVERY state to minimize or eliminate the chances of election subversion occurring in all states. GOP election interference is to be expected everywhere. Do not assume your state is safe cause it’s “blue”. We need every vote we can get.

    Voting for Harris is a vote for a president that will appoint a cabinet full of qualified leaders. A congressional majority (House and Senate) is necessary to be able to govern properly, confirm judges to courts that uphold the rule of law, pass legislation that helps the American people and move our country forward. 

    Vote DEM down ballot. Those races are super important and need ALL the votes they can get. They need YOUR vote.

    For those of you that think “I’m only one vote, it makes no difference”, well your one vote for Harris cancels a vote for Trump. But, not voting at all is actually a vote for Trump. When we show up to vote, we win. If your “one vote” didn’t count or didn’t make a difference, republicans would not try so hard to suppress your right to cast a vote.

    Polls where Harris leads Trump might give you a big dose of dopamine and hope but it won’t matter if enough of us sit at home. Sometimes elections are decided by a few thousand votes across different states. Sometimes, even a few hundred votes decide outcomes. Show up to vote and be one of those “hundreds” or “thousands” or “millions” that decide elections. 

    Always remember that news and polls are double edged swords.

    Too many negative news and polls are designed to keep you disillusioned by making you feel like your vote won’t matter and the outcome is already determined. Too many positive news and polls are designed to let your guard down because “why show up to vote when there’s enough support for Harris”. Why donate to Harris since she’s “breaking donation records” already? Why should I volunteer when Harris has tens of thousands lining up to volunteer?

    There’s a reason that Harris and Walz emphasize “we need ALL of you” and “it’s gonna take ALL of us” in their speeches. 

    Stay focused, optimistic, positive, happy and confident. You have every right to be hopeful and excited about this election. But, when it’s time to vote, remember that voting for Harris won’t be enough. If you truly wish to see change in the USA, Kamala Harris will need a democratic House and Senate and this can only happen with your vote.

  18. Quit talking about this. If they ever get the idea that he has to be replaced they’ll get Liz Cheney to run. She will be a shoe in to win back disgruntled republicans who will be voting Anyone But Trump.

  19. >just because Trump has shown mental instability in the past doesn’t make his mental problems any less relevant now. They’re more relevant. He appears even more delusional than before.
    If Biden’s difficulties were fair game, why isn’t Trump’s apparent mental decline front and center?
    The growing evidence of Trump’s dementia and paranoia poses a clear potential danger to the future of America — if he’s reelected.

  20. Just the fact he’s taken seriously is egregious.

    The media definitely does not work for the people, it’s actively working against us now.

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