Now it’s clear why they’re the Grand Old Party.

Now it’s clear why they’re the Grand Old Party.

Posted by DirtyAngelaWild

  1. School shootings don’t upset them. People talking about ways to prevent them is what upsetting to them.

  2. Donald Trump raping a 13 year old specifically selected because she looked like his daughter at that age also doesn’t seem to upset them

  3. Don’t forget they don’t want kids or kids in need getting free lunches at schools!

  4. Neither were they upset by Trump’s “warriors” ransacking the Capitol and attacking police officers.

  5. Tear gassing migrant woman and children upsets them, because they’d much rather murder them with razor-wire booby traps, or push their drowning children back into the river.

  6. To be honest, gassing and caging brown children will reduce conservatives to tears….of joy

  7. “Womp womp” former Trump staffer Corey Lewandowski when he was told about a child with down syndrome taken from their family and put in a cage

  8. Hey, that’s not true, the GOP hates school shootings.

    Hates them in the way it gets people talking about pesky gun control again and they’re getting really annoyed they have to justify them to keep their ~~bribes~~ donations from the NRA

  9. Truth be told … republican twitter is losing their collective minds over Kamala’s rally sizes the most.

    They are claiming everything is photoshopped and faked. I was at the Las Vegas rally last night… and holy shit! The VIBE is REAL!! Packed house and they had to deny entrance to people.

  10. “Took us 400 years to figure out as a people that white people’s weakness the whole time was kneeling during the national anthem.” -Dave Chappelle

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