Do you think he had bone spurs?’ J.D. Vance cornered over Trump ducking military service

Do you think he had bone spurs?’ J.D. Vance cornered over Trump ducking military service

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. Vance just pissed the moron even more now attention is focused on Trumps medical records.

  2. Of course not-just your standard cowardly rich boy.Whose daddy took care of business for him,when he was alive,and left him 400 million dollars( todays money) when he died.
    Don the Con has nothing but contempt for those who served.He is a repugnant lying cringing POS.

  3. Holy ..

    They are still talking about this?!

    Let it go.

    Edit. Meaning, Vance is still talking about Walz.

  4. I’d also like to hear why JD Vance quit after 4 years was he trying to get out of something?

  5. As far as I know, bone spurs don’t go away. Show us the x-rays. But your tax returns and emergency landing helicopter records with Willie Brown first please, Don-Old.

  6. There is no record of ANY Trump serving in the military, either in the US or Germany… ever!

  7. trump using a bogus medical deferment to get out of serving to Vietnam was typical of rich people in those days. Vietnam was a poor man’s war. Weren’t no millionaire’s sons there. trump was born, silver spoon in hand, and lord did he help himself. 

  8. Trump wasn’t shot. Ears don’t heal that quickly.

    Bone spurs? I think that was an excuse to put on the medical form to avoid being drafted.

  9. I don’t even know what a bone spur is. Like the back of your ankle has spikes jutting out from it?

    Now flat feet I do know. I have them, sorta. Flat if I push down…

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